2019/10/30 00:03
😆 [PathFinder 2e][PC作成] Rogue1 PC 10 どうもセスです。 明日、明後日と仕事で某所へ拉致監禁の上、拷問(徹夜)のため日記を投稿できないので、 本日中に明日の日記を投稿しておきます!(走召糸色木亥火暴) BGM さて今日も今日とて、2019年8月に無事発売されたPathFinder 2e Core Rule Book、 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_157054120241 からのPC作成 Rugue1も最後の10回目。 前回の第9回『9 修正値など算出』、 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_157235247670 の続きで『10 アライメントなど各種詳細決定』です。 では、早速、以下にフリーフオーマットでカキコしていきますです。 Player Name:Seth PC Name: Josa FreeLight PCイメージ https://medibang.com/picture/ld1910201456409520007757594/?cpi=001 イメージ曲 PC Race:TwiLight Halfling 50-53p PC Class:Rogue1 Experience(XP):0 Ancestry,Heritage,BackGround:『1 Concept作成』、 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_157173792486 Traits:Halfling,Humanoid Size:Small Bonus Languages:Common,Halfling,Dwarven Deity:女神Desna 筋力 STR Strength 16 +3 敏捷力 DEX Dexterity 17 +3 耐久力 CON Constitution 10 ±0 知力 INT Intelligence 12 +1 判断力 WIS Wisdom 17+3 魅力 CHA Charisma 18 +4 Perception:+3WIS mod.+1Level+4Expert=+8 LightViosion, Keen Eye 51p Trap Finder 183p Hit Points:14 Defenses:Trained Light Armor,Trained UnArmed Defense +3Dex mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 AC:10+3DEX mod.+1Padded Armor+1Level+2Trained=17 UnArmed Defense:10+3DEX mod.(No armor) +1Level+2Trained=16 Saving Throws: Fortitude: +1CON mod.+1Level+2Trainedt=+4 Reflex:+3DEX mod.+1Level+4Expert=+8 Will:+3WIS mod.+1Level+4Expert=+8 Attacks: Attacks:Trained Simple Weapons and UnArmed Attacks and Rapier,sap,ShortBow,ShortSword Melee:+3STR mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 small 1d2+3STR Rapire :+3STR mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 1d6P+3STR1 1 Sword Deadly d8,Disarm,Finessse Dagger :+3STR mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 1d4P L+3STR 1 Knife Agile,Finesse,Thrown10ft.,Versatile S Ranged:+3DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 CrossBow:+3DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 10 Bolts 1sp L 1d8P 120ft. 1 1 2 Bow - Rogue Class DC:10+3STR/+3DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained=16/16 Hero Points:1 Ancestry/Rogue Feats:Trap Finder 183p Spells:無し Skills: Acrobatics:+3DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 Athletics:+3STR mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 Crafting:+1INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 Deception:+4CHA mod.+1Level+2Trained=+7 Diplomacy:+4CHA mod.+1Level+2Trained=+7 Intimidate:+4CHA mod.+1Level+2Trained=+7 Mercantile Lore:+1INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 UnderWorld Lore:+1INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 Society:+1INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 Stealth:+3DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 Survival:+3WIS mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 Thievery:+3DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained=+6 PickPocket 264p Arcana:+1INT mod.+1Level+0unTrained=+2 Medicine:+3WIS mod.+1Level+0nTrained=+4 Nature:+3WIS mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+4 Occultism:+1INT mod.+1Level+0unTrained=+2 Performance:4CHA mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+5 Religion:1INT mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+2 Money:5sp 1cp Equipments: Padded Armor 2sp +1 +3 - - 10 L Comfort Explorer’s Clothing 1sp +0 +5 - - L Comfort Ordinary Clothing 1sp +0 * - - -L- Fine Clothing 2gp +0 * - - L +1item bonus Impression Winter Clothing 4sp +0 * - - L - Dagger 2sp 1d4P L 1 Knife Agile,Finesse,Thrown10ft.,Versatile S Rapier 2gp 1d6P 1 1 Sword Deadly d8,Disarm,Finessse CrossBow 3gp 1d8P 120ft. 1 1 2 Bow - 10 Bolts 1sp L Thieves’ Tools 3gp L 2 Replacement picks 3sp - - x3 Lantan Bull’s Eye 1gp 1 1 BandOiler 1sp - - Oil 1cp - - x10 Mirror 1gp - 1 Compass 1gp - 1 Disguise Kit 2gp L 2 Replacement Cosmetics 1sp - - Elite Cosmetics(level3) 5sp - - Adventurer’s Pack 7sp 2B - - backpack (containing the other goods), bedroll, two belt pouches, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks’ rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin. Mug 1cp - 1 Basic Crafter’s Book 1sp L 2 Writing Set 1gp L 2 Extra ink and paper - - x10 合計Bulk:6.1=6Bulk Bulk: 0-8. 9-13 Speed:25ft. 15ft.+CLumsy1 OK! 一応、これでRogue1 PC作成完了でした。 これでやっとPCsパーティー組めますね! やった!!!
2019/10/30 00:03