キャラクター情報 NPCでの使用可(連絡自由) | ||
TRPGの種別: | パスファインダーRPG |
キャラクター名: | ChieVal | |
♥: | 14 / 14 | |
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メモ: | GM kangetsuさんセッション用PC と、 です。 |
詳細A: |
キャラ解説 PL Seth Create Date:2020/4/22 Monk1 UpDate:2020/6/18 Monk2 PC Nmae CheiVal Female Catfolk UnChained Monk1/Sorcerer1 14Old Ht.6’ 9” We.121 lbs. Catfolk ~ Cat’s Luck [Paizo Inc. - Bestiary 3, p.91] Catfolk ~ Low-Light Vision [Paizo Inc. - Bestiary 3, p.91] Low-Light Vision [Paizo Inc. - Bestiary] Catfolk ~ Natural Hunter [Paizo Inc. - Bestiary 3, p.91] Catfolk ~ Sprinter [Paizo Inc. - Bestiary 3, p.91] Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid ( Catfolk ) Face 5 ft. by 5 ft. Reach 5 ft. Language:Common,CatFolk Region Absalom Deity Jaidz(a powerful agathion Empyreal lord) Experience points 1366[Fast] セッション参加記録参照 Favored Classes UnChained Monk Favored Class Bonus ~ Survival+1Skill Rank [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook] 1st:UnChained Monk1 HD:d10 Bonus feat, flurry of blows (bonus attack), stunning fist, unarmed strike 1d6 AC+0 Speed+0 ft.Skill Point[4 + Int modi] 2nd:HD:d6 Sorcerer1 Bloodline power[Draconic 75p Gold Fire 30-foot cone], cantrips, eschew materials Cast per day 3[0-4 1-2] Skill Point[2 + Int mod.] Sorcerer Spell 0:4Known Light, 304p touch[20-40] 10m/Level Read Magic 330p personal 10m/Level Detect Magic 267p cone-shaped emanation consetration 1m/Level Knowledge (arcana) (Int) Daze 264p 25ft.+5ft./2Level Will DC10 = 10[BASE]+0[CHA|STAT]+0[Spell Level] Spell Casting Slots:1st 3/day 1st:2Known Mage Armor 306p touch 1h/Level AC+4armor Shield 342p personal 1m/Level +4Force shield 20Points Buy CsatFolk Str 16 (+3) = +16[USER] +0[MISC] Dex 16 (+3) = +14[USER] +2[MISC] Con 11 (+0) = +11[USER] +0[MISC] Int 10 (+0) = +10[USER] +0[MISC] Wis 12 (+1) = +14[USER] -2[MISC] Cha 11 (+0) = +9[USER] +2[MISC] Perception +7 = +1[Sorcerer1 Rank]+3[Sorcerer1st BloodLine[Dragonic]Calss Skill]+2[TYPE=RACIAL|Natural Hunter] +1[WIS|STAT] Perception Class Skill[1st Sorcerer BloodLine[Dragonic]} LowLightVision[CAtFolk] Initiative +5 = +4[DEX|STAT] +1[Tactician|MISC] Speed 30ft. 40ft.=Charge Speed+10ft.[Sprinter] charge 80ft, run 160ft, or withdraw 80ft. HP 14 = 10[UnCahained Monk1 1d10] +4[Sorcerer1 1d6]+0[CON|STAT] Armor Class AC15 = 10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge] Fat-footed AC10 = 10[BASE] Touch AC15 = 10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge] 突撃時 Nimble Striker Mage Armor AC19 =10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]+4Armor Fat-footed AC14 = 10[BASE] +4Armor Touch AC15 = 10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge] 突撃時 Nimble Striker Shield AC19 =10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]+4Force Shield Fat-footed AC14 = 10[BASE] +4Force Shield Touch AC15 = 10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge] 突撃時 Nimble Striker Mage Armor+Shield AC23 =10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]+4Armor+4Force Shield Fat-footed AC18 = 10[BASE] +4Armor+4Force Shield Touch AC15 = 10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge] 突撃時 Nimble Striker CMB +4 = +1BAB+3STR CMD 18 = 10++3STR+3DEX+1dodge+1[AC Bonus]+0size Saving Throws Fortitude: +3 = +2[BASE] +1[CON] Reflex: +5 = +2[BASE] +3[DEX] Will: +3 = +2[BASE Sorcerer1st] +1[WIS] Attacks UnArmed +4 = +1Monk1BAB +3STR mod. 1d6B+3 20x2 Charge +6 Speed+10ft.[Sprinter] Flurry of Blows +4/+4 Stunning Fists DC 11 = 10 + 0[Monk/2] + 1[WIS mod.] Monk Level/day 1r Skills Skill Points 1st level Monk: 4 2nd:2 Sorcerer1 UnChained Monk Class Skills Acrobatics +7 = +1[Monk1:1 RANK] +3[Class Skill Monk1] +3[DEX|STAT] Climb +7 = +1[Monk1:1RANK] +3[Class Skill Monk1] +3[STR|STAT] Craft (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Escape Artist +3 = +3[DEX|STAT] Intimidate (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] Knowledge (history) (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Knowledge (religion) (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Perception (Wis) +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Perform (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] Profession (Wis), +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Ride +3 = +3[DEX|STAT] Sense Motive +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Stealth +9 = +1[Monk1:1RANK] +3[Class Skill Monk1] +2[TYPE=RACIAL|Natural Hunter] +3[DEX|STAT] Swim +3 = +3[STR|STAT] Savage Traits Class Skill Survival +7 = +1[Monk1:1RANK] +2[TYPE=RACIAL|Natural Hunter] +1[WIS|STAT]+3[Class Skill|Savage] Heal +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Sorcerer Class Skills SpellCraft +4 = +1[Sorcerer1:1 RANK] +3[ Sorcerer1 Class Skill] +0[INT|STAT] Appraise (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Bluff (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] Craft (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Fly +3 = +3[DEX|STAT] Intimidate (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] Knowledge (arcana) (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Profession (Wis) +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Use Magic Device (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] Feats Dodge [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.122] Improved Unarmed Strike [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.128] Stunning Fist [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.135] Nimble Striker [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Race Guide, p.94] Sorcerer1 - Eschew materials 123p Special Abilities Unchained Monk1 - AC Bonus [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Unchained, p.14] Unchained Monk1 - Bonus Feat [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Unchained, p.14] Unchained Monk1 - Flurry of Blows [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Unchained, p.14] Unchained Monk1 - Stunning Fist [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Unchained, p.14] Unchained Monk1 - Unarmed Strike [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Unchained, p.14] Unchained Monk1 - Weapon and Armor Proficiency [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Unchained, p.14] Unchained Monk1 - Bonus Feat ~ Dodge [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Unchained] Sorcerer1 - Sorcerer Spell Casting Ablility cantrips Cast per day 3[0-4 1-2] 70-72p Sorcerer1 - Bloodline power[Draconic 75p Gold Fire 30-foot cone] 75p Trait ~ Savage [Paizo Publishing - Ultimate Campaign, p.61] Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks and a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks to get along in the wild. Knowledge (nature) is always a class skill for you. Trait ~ Tactician [Paizo Publishing - Ultimate Campaign, p.54] You know how to take advantage of enemies who are unprepared for your assault. You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks. In addition, once per day when you make an attack of opportunity, you gain a +2 trait bonus on the attack roll. Items 0/150gp Explorer’s Outfit 0gp 8lbs. Potion of Enlarge Person 50gpx3 0lbs.[Source: Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.477] 2回目セッションの報酬で中古買い もし可能ならば、今回の一人当報酬金で、 「NPCs親方関係の紹介で、 Wand Mage Armor 5Charges (750/50)*5=75gp を2本 計150gpで購入可能でしようか?>GM」 PCル・ファーブルさんとPCガルフさんへお渡ししたいです。 Encumbrance Category: Light Light 200 Medium 400 Heavy 600 以上 |
詳細B: |
■Potion of Enlarge Personドーピング時 277-278p Str 18 (+4) = +16[USER] +2[SIZE] Dex 14 (+2) = +16[USER] -2[SIZE] Con 11 (+0) = +11[USER] +0[MISC] Int 10 (+0) = +10[USER] +0[MISC] Wis 12 (+1) = +14[USER] -2[MISC] Cha 11 (+0) = +9[USER] +2[MISC] Perception +7 = +1[Sorcerer1 Rank]+3[Sorcerer1st BloodLine[Dragonic]Calss Skill]+2[TYPE=RACIAL|Natural Hunter] +1[WIS|STAT] Perception Class Skill[1st Sorcerer BloodLine[Dragonic]} LowLightVision[CAtFolk] Initiative +3 = +2[DEX|STAT] +1[Tactician|MISC] Speed 30ft. 40ft.=Charge Speed+10ft.[Sprinter] HP 14 = 10[UnCahained Monk1 1d10] +4[Sorcerer1 1d6]+0[CON|STAT] Armor Class AC13 = 10[BASE] +2[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]-1[SIZE] Fat-footed AC9 = 10[BASE] -1[SIZE] Touch AC13 = 10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]-1[SIZE] 突撃時 Nimble Striker Mage Armor AC17 =10[BASE] +2[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]+4Armor-1[SIZE] Fat-footed AC13 = 10[BASE]-1[SIZE] +4Armor Touch AC13 = 10[BASE] +2[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]-1[SIZE] 突撃時 Nimble Striker Shield AC17 =10[BASE] +2[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]+4Force Shield-1[SIZE] Fat-footed AC13 = 10[BASE] +4Force Shield-1[SIZE] Touch AC13 = 10[BASE] +3[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]-1[SIZE] 突撃時 Nimble Striker Mage Armor+Shield AC21 =10[BASE] +2[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]+4Armor+4Force Shield-1[SIZE] Fat-footed AC17 = 10[BASE] +4Armor+4Force Shield-1[SIZE] Touch AC13 = 10[BASE] +2[DEX|STAT] +1[Monk AC Bonu|MISC]+1[Dodge]-1[SIZE] 突撃時 Nimble Striker CMB +6 = +1BAB+4STR+1[LARGE|SIZE] CMD 19 = 10+4STR+2DEX+1dodge+1[AC Bonus]+1[LARGE|SIZE] Saving Throws Fortitude: +3 = +2[Monk1|BASE] +1[CON] Reflex: +4 = +2[Monk1|BASE] +2[DEX] Will: +3 = +2[Sorcerer1|BASE] +1[WIS] Attacks Face 10 ft. by 10 ft. UnArmed +5 = +1Monk1BAB +4STR mod. 1d8B+4 20x2 Charge +7 Speed+10ft.[Sprinter] Flurry of Blows +5/+5 Stunning Fists DC 11 = 10 + 0[Monk/2] + 1[WIS mod.] Monk Level/day 1r Skills Skill Points 1st level Monk: 4 2nd:2 Sorcerer1 UnChained Monk Class Skills Acrobatics +6 = +1[Monk1:1 RANK] +3[Class Skill Monk1] +2[DEX|STAT] Climb +8 = +1[Monk1:1RANK] +3[Class Skill Monk1] +4[STR|STAT] Craft (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Escape Artist +3 = +3[DEX|STAT] Intimidate (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] Knowledge (history) (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Knowledge (religion) (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Perception (Wis) +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Perform (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] Profession (Wis), +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Ride +2 = +2[DEX|STAT] Sense Motive +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Stealth +7 = +1[Monk1:1RANK] +3[Class Skill Monk1] +2[TYPE=RACIAL|Natural Hunter] +2[DEX|STAT]-1[LARGE|SIZE] Swim +4 = +4[STR|STAT] Savage Traits Class Skill Survival +7 = +1[Monk1:1RANK] +2[TYPE=RACIAL|Natural Hunter] +1[WIS|STAT]+3[Class Skill|Savage] Heal +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Sorcerer Class Skills SpellCraft +4 = +1[Sorcerer1:1 RANK] +3[ Sorcerer1 Class Skill] +0[INT|STAT] Appraise (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Bluff (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] Craft (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Fly +2 = +2[DEX|STAT] Intimidate (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] Knowledge (arcana) (Int) +0 = +0[INT|STAT] Profession (Wis) +1 = +1[WIS|STAT] Use Magic Device (Cha) +0 = +0[CHA|STAT] 以上 |
詳細C: |
セッション参加記録 第1回2020/4/22(水) Monk1 第1回目のセス日記。 第1回目まとめはここ。 第2回目2020/4/29(水) Monk1 第2回目のセス日記。 GMさん2回目まとめはここ。 第3回2020/5/8(金) Monk1 ><見習いの親方たちのお礼> もし可能ならば、今回の一人当報酬金で、 「NPCs親方関係の紹介で、 Wand Mage Armor 5Charges (750/50)*5=75gp を2本 計150gpで購入可能でしようか?>GM」 PCル・ファーブルさんとPCガルフさんへお渡ししたいです。 第4回2020/06/17(水) Monk2 日記 戦闘が終わってから気づきましたが、 「Cure Light Wounds Wand、誰も準備して無かった(走召糸色木亥火暴)」 ですねw GM日記 第5回2020/07/01(水) Monk2 日記 Wand Mage Armor 2発消費 残り3発 第6回2020/07/08(水) Monk2 日記 Potion of Enlarge Person1本消費。 以上 |
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キャラクターID: 158668860173Seth7
本作は、「Jason Bulmahn、Paizo Publishing, LLC」が権利を有する「Pathfinder Roleplaying Game」の二次創作物です。