Drax SilverSands(パスファインダー2版用キャラクターシート)
Drax SilverSandsの詳細
キャラクター情報 NPCでの使用可(連絡自由) | ||
TRPGの種別: | パスファインダー2版 |
キャラクター名: | Drax SilverSands | |
♥: | 26 / 26 | |
♥: | / | |
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メモ: | GM Ququさんセッション https://trpgsession.click/session-detail.php?s=158773186788Ququ 参加用PC |
詳細A: |
PC紹介と設定 遊牧民遺跡探索ハーフリング娘14歳 龍脚流モンク2 「うっスッ! 足癖が悪って言わないほしいっス!!」 PCイメージ ZooCiくん PathFInder 2e Core Rule Book only:Normal PC Create Method Player Name:Seth Date:2020/03/29 Latest UpDate: 2020/11/28(日) Monk2 Character Name:Drax SliverSands Race&Gender:Twilight Halfling Famale Age:14 Height: 125 cm, Weight: 37 kg Alignment:Neutral Good Language:Common,Halfling Errata 1.0 1p Deity:Chaldira 2e https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?ID=35 1e https://aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Chaldira Class:Monk1 EX: 1st0xp 2nd1000xp PC Build------------------------------------------------------------------- ⬜︎1st Level Ancestry:Halfling 50p DEX and WIS and one Free Ability Boosts STR Ability Flaw Race HP:6 Size:Small Speed:25ft. Human trait,Halfing,Humanoid trait Keen Eye 51p +2 Circumstance Seek◆ action Twilight Halfling Low-LightVision https://2e.aonprd.com/Heritages.aspx?ID=24 Titan Slinger https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=57 vs Large or larger sling damage die one up Background:Nomad 63p CON or WIS and a free Ability Boost Trained Survival and Desert Lore Assurance skill feat1 258p Survival take 10 Monk1 features:155p https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx?ID=8 KeyAbility:(STR or)DEX Class HP: 1st 10(1d10) Perception:Trained Fort Expert Ref Expert Will Expert Skills:4+int mod Trained Simple weapons and UnArmed attacks Expert UnArmored defense Class DC:Dex Trained Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Monk Feats: Monk Feat1 Dragon Stance◆ 158p Dragon Tail attack small 1d8B+STR mod. Brawling UnArmed BackSwing Nonlethal ignore the first square of difficult terrain while Striding. Powerful Fist 158p UnArmed Damage small 1d4B lethal ⬜︎2nd Level Class HP: 2nd 20(2d10) Monk feat:Stunning Fist[Monk feat2]160p Skill feat:Steady Balance 267p https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=845 Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics You can keep your balance easily, even in adverse conditions. Whenever you roll a success using the Balance action, you get a critical success instead. You’re not flat-footed while attempting to Balance on narrow surfaces and uneven ground. Thanks to your incredible balance, you can attempt an Acrobatics check instead of a Reflex save to Grab an Edge. Human Ki Strike[Monk class feat1]158/401p --------------------------------------------------------------- Ability Scores: STR 10 +2Ansesty Free+2Backgroud Free+2Free1-2Ansesty Flaw=14 +2 DEX 10 +2Ansesty DEX++2Class++2Free2 = 16 +3 CON 10 ±0 INT 10 +2Free3 = 12 +1 WIS 10 +2Ansesty WIS+2Backgroud WIS+2Free4 =12 +1 CHA 10 ±0 Perception:+1WIS+2level+2Trained = +5 Twilight Halfling Low-LightVision Speed:25ft. Bulk: 0-7. 8-12 Speed:25ft. 15ft.+Clusmy1 Dragon Stance◆ 158p ignore the first square of difficult terrain while Striding. HP:6+10+10+0CONx2 mod.= 26 AC UnArmored 10+3Dex mod.+2level+4Expert = 19 Saving Throws: Fort +0CON mod.+2level+4Expert=+6 Ref +3DEx mod.+2level+4Expert=+9 Will +1Wis mod.+2level+4Expert=+7 Monk Class DC:10+3DEX+2level+2Trained=17 Attack: Dragon Stance◆ 158p Dragon Tail attack small 1d8B+STR mod. Brawling UnArmed BackSwing Nonlethal https://2e.aonprd.com/Traits.aspx?ID=173 +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded=+6 1d8B+2Str mod. Brawling UnArmed BackSwing Nonlethal BackSwing 282p You can use the momentum from a missed attack with this weapon to lead into your next attack. After missing with this weapon on your turn, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack with this weapon before the end of your turn. UnArmed Agile 1st +2Str mod.+2level+2Trainded=+6 1d4B+2Str mod. Ki Strike◆ 158/401p https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=486 Ki Foucus Point:1 +1 Attack status Bonus and dmg+1d6 Monk4レベル以降で取る予定 Stunning Fist 160p Fort ST Monk Class DC:10+3DEX+2level+2Trained=17 Stun1 or Stun3 if 大成功Critical Success ※Flurry of Blows◆ 158p https://trpgsession.click/session-detail.php?s=158532120130kangetsu 2020/04/30 07:02 2020/04/30 01:24 2020/04/30 13:46 と、 https://trpgsession.click/session-detail.php?s=158773186788Ququ 2020/04/30 13:27 の以上のGM裁定反映時 補足 No Agileも考慮(-4agileを-5) Dragon Tail attack(No Agile) Flurry of Blows◆ 158p +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded=+6/+1[+6-5] or +2[+6+1-5] 1d8B+2Str mod. Brawling UnArmed BackSwing Nonlethal Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Agile +2Str mod.+2level+2Trainded=+6/+2[+6-4] or +3[+6+1-4] 1d4B+2Str mod. Ki Strike◆=Flurry of Blows◆=Dragon Tail attack No Agile +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded+1status=+7/+2[+7-5] or +3[+7+1-5] 1d8B+1d6B[Lawful negative/Positive]+2Str mod. Brawling UnArmed BackSwing Nonlethal ※Flurry of Blows◆ 158p https://sites.google.com/view/private-golarion/private-golarion-home/classes/monk#h.p_W_qN7-b80dPg のOGL準拠「Privite Golarion」反映時 Dragon Tail attack(No Agile) Flurry of Blows◆ 158p +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded=+6/+6 or +7(+6+1) 1d8B+2Str mod. Brawling UnArmed BackSwing Nonlethal Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Agile +2Str mod.+2level+2Trainded=+6/+6 or +7[+6+1] 1d4B+2Str mod. Ki Strike◆=Flurry of Blows◆=Dragon Tail attack No Agile +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded+1status=+7/+7or +8[+7+1] 1d8B+1d6B[Lawful negative/Positive]+2Str mod. Brawling UnArmed BackSwing Nonlethal Ranged Sling 282p +3Dex mod+2level+2Trained=+7 Small(Size) Sling Bullet 1d4B+2STR mod. 50ft. Sling 282p Price 0; Small(Size)1d4B(Damage Medium(size)1d6B); Bulk L ;Hands 1; Range 50 ft.; Reload 1 Category Simple Ammunition Sling Bullets Group Sling; Traits Propulsive Critical Specialization Effects 283P Sling: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be stunned 1. Monk Class DC:DC17 = 10+3DEX+2level+2Trained Sling Bullets 282p Price 1 cp (price for 10); Bulk L Category Ammunition Group Sling; Traits — *Reload Source Core Rulebook pg. 279 While all weapons need some amount of time to get into position, many ranged weapons also need to be loaded and reloaded. This entry indicates how many Interact actions it takes to reload such weapons. This can be 0 if drawing ammunition and firing the weapon are part of the same action. If an item takes 2 or more actions to reload, the GM determines whether they must be performed together as an activity, or you can spend some of those actions during one turn and the rest during your next turn. **An item with an entry of “—” must be drawn to be thrown, which usually takes an Interact action just like drawing any other weapon. Reloading a ranged weapon and drawing a thrown weapon both require a free hand. Switching your grip to free a hand and then to place your hands in the grip necessary to wield the weapon are both included in the actions you spend to reload a weapon. Dagger +3Dex mod+2level+2Trained=+7 1d3P+2Str mod. 10ft. Agile Fineness VerS Skills:4+1INT mod,= 5 Trained Acrobatics:+3DEX mod.+2Level+2Trained1+0Armor=+7 Steady Balance:Monk2 Skill Feat Athletics:+2STR mod.+2Level+2Trained2+0Armor=+6 Diplomacy:+0CHA mod.+2Level+2Trained3=+4 Desert Lore:+1INT mod.+2Level+2Trained Background1=+5 Society:+1INT mod.+2Level+2Trained4=+5 Stealth:+3DEX mod.+2Level+2Trained5+0Armor=+7 Survival :+1WIS mod.+2Level+2Trained Background2=+5 Background Assurance skill feat1 258p Survival take 10 Arcana:+1INT mod.+2Level+0unTrained=+3 Crafting:+1INT mod.+2Level+0unTrained=+3 Deception:+0CHA mod.+2Level+0unTrained=+2 Intimidate:+0CHA mod.+2Level+0UnTrained=+2 Medicine:+1WIS mod.+2evel+0UnTrained=+3 Nature:+1WIS mod.+2Level+0unTrained=+3 Occultism:+1INT mod.+2Level+0unTrained=+3 Performance:+0CHA mod+2Level.+0unTrained=+2 Religion:+1WIS mod.+2Level+0unTrained=+3 Thievery:+3DEX mod.+2Level+0UnTrained=+5 -------------------------------------------------------------- Money:1gp 6sp 1cp (start 15+5=20gp) Equipments: Clothing (Winter)x1/4sp/Lx1 4spは参加第三回準備金で支払い済み Explorer’s x1/1spx1/Lx1- Compass x1 /1gpx1/- 1 290p Slingx2 2L Belt Pouch 287p 4cp - - Up tp 4L items. Sling Bullets 282p Price 1 cp (price for 10); Bulk L x4 40 4L 4cp BandOiler X1/1spx1/- - 287p uo to 8L Dagger x5 2spx5 1d4P L 1 Knife Agile,finess,thrown 10ft.,versatile S Lesser Alchemist’s Fire x2 292p Belt Pouch 287p 4cp - - Up tp 4L items. *Rope X2/5spx2/Lx2 2 Grappling hook x1/1spx1/Lx1 1 *WaterSkin x2/5cpx2/空Lx2 一杯2Bulk 2 —*Adventure Pack——7sp BackPack x1/1spx1/- - Errata 1.0 3p The first 2 Bulk of items in your backpack don’t count against your Bulk limits. Below items in BackPack *BedRoll x1/1cpx1/Lx1- Clothing Winter x1/4spx1/Lx1- *Flint and Steel x1/5spx1/- - *Hammer x1/1spx1/Lx1 1 Mirror x1/1gpx1/- 1 Mug x1/1cpx1/- 1 *Rations(1week) x1/4spx1/Lx1 1 *Sack(5) x1/1cpx1/Lx1 1 Soap x2/2cpx2/-x1 1 Tent Pup x1/8spx1/Lx1 2 Bulk:1L+1L+2L+4L+5L+4L+4L+2L/2Bulk = 23L/2Bulk3L = 2.3/4.0Bulk Bulk: 0-7. 8-12 Speed:25ft. 15ft.+Clusmy1(Small) セッション参加記録 第一回2020/5/3(日) Monk1 https://seth.hatenadiary.jp/entry/2020/05/04/012321 第二回2020/5/17(日) Monk1 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_158973353150 第三回2020/11/29(日) Monk2 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_160666299494 第四回2020/12/20(日) Monk2 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_160847809012 第五回2021/2/10(水) Monk2 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_161298064959 第六回2022/09/18(日) Monk2 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_166368856645 報酬15gpとイーグル騎士団勲章1個 経験値1000xp 以上 |
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キャラクターID: 158789562731Seth7
本作は、「Jason Bulmahn、Logan Bonner、Stephen Radney-Macfarland、Mark Seifter、Paizo Publishing, LLC」が権利を有する「Pathfinder Second Edition」の二次創作物です。