Ulde Tys(パスファインダー2版用キャラクターシート)
Ulde Tysの詳細
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Ulde Tys
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PC設定 火神AngraddスキーStrong-Bloodedドワーフ娘14歳 グレートアックスMonk3 「ばばっちい奴らは燃やす! それ以外は、この大斧でブッ倒すわっ!!」 PCイメージ Five Kings Mountains HighHelm https://pathfinder.fandom.com/wiki/Highhelm の有力Clan出身。 火神Angradd様よりの予言=天命Caiilngにより武器モンク道に、 そして、定番の武者修業の諸国巡りためにDruma Mercenary League https://pathfinder.fandom.com/wiki/Mercenary_League の自由傭兵資格(その時払いの日当支払い)の一員として旅を続けている。 PCイメージ 考慮中 PC Build************************ PathFInder 2e Core Rule Book only:Normal PC Create Method Gods and Magic Raised By Belief Background 9p Dwarf Pantheon 90p Errata 1.0 Player Name:Seth Date:2020/05/22 UpDate:2020/05/31 Character Name:Ulde Tys Race&Gender:Strong-Blooded Dwarf Famale Age:14 https://2e.aonprd.com/Heritages.aspx?ID=5 Height: 155 cm, Weight: 55 kg Alignment:Lawful Good Language:Common,Dwarven Deity:Angradd (The Forge-Fire) [LG]様 https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?ID=84 Divine Ability Strength or Constitution Divine Font heal Divine Skill Athletics Favored Weapon greataxe Domains fate, fire, protection, zeal Cleric Spells 1st: burning hands, 2nd: abyssal plague (blistering invective (Advanced Player’s Guide, coming soon)), 3rd: fireball Class:Monk3 EX:0/2000xp ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancestry:Strong-Blooded Dwarf 36p Poison resistance 1(PC level/2) vs.Poision ST Success2->1/Critical Success3->2 stage Race HP:10 Size:Medium CON and WIS and one Free Ability Boosts CHA Ability Flaw Languages(+0INT) :Common,Dwarven Speed:20ft.+10ft(Monk3)=30ft. trait,Dwarf,Humanoid trait DarkVision60ft. Dwarf feat1:Rock Runner 36p ignore stone and earth difficult terrains Background:Gods and Magic Raised By Belief Background 9p Dwarf Pantheon 90p STR or CON and a free Ability Boost Trained Athletics Skill and Assurance Skill Feat 258p Deity:Angradd (The Forge-Fire) [LG]様 Lore Boon例 Hp0で昏倒する直前にBurning Hands◆◆をリアクションとして使える。 Monk1 features:155p------------------------------------------------ https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx?ID=8 KeyAbility:STR (or DEX) Class HP:10 Perception:Trained Fort Expert Ref Expert Will Expert Skills:4+int mod Trained Simple weapons and UnArmed attacks Expert UnArmored defense Class DC:STR mod+2Trained Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Monk Feats: Monk Feat1 Monastic Weapon 158p https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=434 You gain access to uncommon weapons that have the monk trait and become trained in simple and martial monk weapons. When your proficiency rank for unarmed attacks increases to expert or master, your proficiency rank for these weapons increases to expert or master as well. You can use melee monk weapons with any of your monk feats or monk abilities that normally require unarmed attacks, though not if the feat or ability requires you to use a single specific type of attack, such as Crane Stance. Powerful Fist 158p UnArmed Damage 1d6B lethal Monk2 156p------------------------------------------ Monk Feat2 Fighter Dedication Feat2 226p Archetype Fighter Prerequisites Strength 14, Dexterity 14 You become trained in simple weapons and martial weapons. You become trained in your choice of Acrobatics or Athletics; if you are already trained in both of these skills, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You become trained in fighter class DC. Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the fighter archetype. Skill Feat1 Charlatan GaM104p=Trick Magic Items 268p can use Deception Skill Check Monk3 156p------------------------------------------- General Feat incredible Initiative 262p Incredible Movement Speed+10ft. Mystic Strike Your Fists become +Magical Skill Increases Deception Trained->Expert PC Playing Data------------------------------------------------- Ability Scores: STR 10+2Backgroud STR+2Class+2Free1 =16 +3 DEX 10+2Backgroud Free+2Free2 = 14 +2 CON 10+2Ansesty CON = 12 +! INT 10 = 10 +0 WIS 10+2Ansesty WIS+2Free3 =14 +2 CHA 10+-2Ansesty Flaw+2Free4 = 10 +0 Perception:+2WIS+3level+2Trained = +7 DarkVision60ft. +2 incredible Initiative 262p Speed:30ft. (=20ft.+Incredible Movement Speed+10ft.) Monk Feat2 Dancing Leaf 160p Leap or Jump +5ft.No falling damage adjacent to wall Quick Jump 264-265p Bulk: 0-8. 9-13 Speed:30ft. 20ft.+Clusmy1 HP:10+10x3+1CON mod.x3= 43 AC UnArmored 10+2DEX mod.+3level+4Expert = 19 Saving Throws: Fort +1CON mod.+3level+4Expert=+8 Ref +2DEx mod.+3level+4Expert=+9 Will +2Wis mod.+3level+4Expert=+9 Monk DC:10+3STR+3level+2Trained = 18 Fighter DC:10+3STR+3level+2Trained = 18 Attack: GreatAxe 2gp 2Bulk 2 Axe Sweep 1st +3STR mod.+3level+2Trainded=+8 1d12S+3Str mod. 2nd same +3STR mod.+3level+2Trainded=+8-5=+3 1d12S+3Str mod. 2nd diff +3STR mod.+3level+2Trainded=+8-5+1Sweep=+4 1d12S+3Str mod. UnArmed Powerful Fist 158p Agile +3STR mod.+3level+2Trainded=+8 1d6B+3Str mod. ※Flurry of Blows◆ 158p https://trpgsession.click/sp/session-detail.php?s=158532120130kangetsu 2020/04/30 07:02 2020/04/30 01:24 2020/04/30 13:46 と、 https://trpgsession.click/sp/session-detail.php?s=158773186788Ququ 2020/04/30 13:27 の以上のGM裁定反映時 補足 No Agileも考慮(-4agileを-5) Flurry of Blows◆ UnArmed Powerful Fist 158p Agile 1st +3STR mod.+3level+2Trainded=+8 1d6B+3Str mod. 2nd +8-4=+4 ※Flurry of Blows◆ 158p https://sites.google.com/view/private-golarion/private-golarion-home/classes/monk#h.p_W_qN7-b80dPg のOGL準拠「Privite Golarion」反映時 Flurry of Blows◆ UnArmed Powerful Fist 158p Agile +3STR mod.+3level+2Trainded=+8/+8 1d6B+3Str mod. Ranged Dagger +2Dex mod+3level+2Trained=+7 1d4P+3STR mod. 10ft. Agile Fineness VerS Alchemical Bombs +2Dex mod+3level+2Trained=+7 20ft. Skills:4+0INT mod,= 4 +2Trained BackGroud = 6 Acrobatics:+2DEX mod.+3Level+2Trained1+0Armor=+7 Athletics:+3STR mod.+3Level+2Trained2 BackGround+0Armor=+8 Deception:+0CHA mod.+3Level+4Expert Monk3(2Trained3)=+7 Assurance Skill Feat 258p Deception:10++3Level+4Expert=17 火神Angradd Lore:+0INT mod.+3Level+2Trained4=+5 Stealth:+2DEX mod.+3Level+2Trained5+0Armor=+7 Survival :+2WIS mod.+3Level+2Trained6=+7 Arcana:+0INT mod.+3Level+0unTrained=+3 Crafting:+0INT mod.+3Level+0unTrained=+3 Diplomacy:+0CHA mod.+3Level+0UnTrained=+3 Intimidate:+0CHA mod.+3Level+0UnTrained=+3 Medicine:+2WIS mod.+3Level+0UnTrained=+5 Nature:+2WIS mod.+3Level+0unTrained=+5 Occultism:+0INT mod.+3Level+0unTrained=+3 Performance:+0CHA mod+3Level.+0unTrained=+3 Religion:+2WIS mod.+3Level+0unTrained=+5 Society:+0INT mod.+3Level+0UnTrained=+3 Thievery:+2DEX mod.+3Level+0UnTrained =+5 -------------------------------------------------------------- Money:0gp 3sp 2cp (start 15+3rd 50=65gp) (Over 21.1GP) Greataxe 2gp 2Bulk Skill Feat Charlatan GaM104p https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1178 Wand of Burning Hands◆◆ Item4 60gp L Burning Hands Spell1 Evocation Fire◆◆ Source Core Rulebook pg. 322 Traditions arcane, primal Cast somatic, verbal Area 15-foot cone Saving Throw basic Reflex Gouts of flame rush from your hands. You deal 2d6 fire damage to creatures in the area. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6. Equipments: Explorer’s x1/1spx1/Lx1- Compass x1 /1gpx1/- 1 290p BandOiler X1/1spx1/- - 287p up to 8L Clan Dagger 2spx1 1d4P L 1 Knife Agile,finess,thrown 10ft.,versatile S Belt Pouch 287p 4cp - - Up tp 4L items. *Rope X2/5spx2/Lx2 2 Grappling hook x1/1spx1/Lx1 1 *WaterSkin x1/5cpx1/Lx1 1 —*Adventure Pack——7sp BackPack x1/1spx1/- - Errata 1.0 3p The first 2 Bulk of items in your backpack don’t count against your Bulk limits. Below items in BackPack *BedRoll x1/1cpx1/Lx1- Clothing Winter x1/4spx1/Lx1- *Flint and Steel x1/5spx1/- - *Hammer x1/1spx1/Lx1 1 Mirror x1/1gpx1/- 1 Mug x1/1cpx1/- 1 *Rations(1week) x1/4spx1/Lx1 1 *Sack(5) x1/1cpx1/Lx1 1 Soap x2/2cpx2/-x1 1 Tent Pup x1/8spx1/Lx1 2 (Over 21.1GP) BandOiler X1/1spx1/- - 287p up to 8L Alchemist’s Fire (Lesser)x8 1d8 fire damage, 1 persistent fire damage, and 1 fire splash damage. Cost 2gp+60gp+1gp+16sp+8cp=64.68GP Bulk:2+1L+1L = 1.2Bulk Bulk: 0-8. 9-13 Speed:25ft. 15ft.+Clusmy1(Small)
第一回2020/06/13(土) Monk3 日記。 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_159206771011 GM Ququ さんセッション PF2-Adv The fall of ploguestoneより序章 3Lv https://trpgsession.click/sp/session-detail.php?s=159013985785Ququ <商人連合> あなたは、馴染み深く、気心の知れた商人仲間がいる。 貿易路を何度も往復し、いくつもの商材とコネクションを手に入れた。 ある日、仲間の老ドワーフが、 「ただの墓参りで、ろくな儲けも無いのだが」 と珍しい貿易路を行くことにした。 何も無い、そう言われると気になるものである。 あなたは資金と商品とを準備し、キャラバンに合流する。 PC作成日記。 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_159080045209 第二回2020/07/04(土) Monk3 日記。 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_159388409524 一応、+1000xpでMonk4予定。 GM日記 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Ququ&i=Ququ_159412211097 第三回2021/02/11(木) Monk3 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_161304467890 第四回2021/03/27(土) Monk3 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_161683691259 以上
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ID: 159015879268Seth7
本作は、「Jason Bulmahn、Logan Bonner、Stephen Radney-Macfarland、Mark Seifter、Paizo Publishing, LLC」が権利を有する「Pathfinder Second Edition」の二次創作物です。