VyYoneDDa Break(D&D3.5版用キャラクターシート)
VyYoneDDa Breakの詳細
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TRPGの種別: | D&D3.5版 |
キャラクター名: | VyYoneDDa Break | |
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PC紹介&設定 のんのんアカシックモンク娘14歳! (Common)「そんことないのん!」 PCイメージ 1361DR,Shadowdaleの冒険者を引退したNPCs両親(人間、Paladin/Monk)の元に生まれる。 最初は、NPC父の影響でMorningdawn HallにてLathander神のタフなPaladin修行とそのキャリア=Dalalands周辺の冒険をしていたが、NPC母系の謎のUnChanged Monk NPCsの元で、謎のUnChainedMonk道に嵌る。 1375DR現在、生まれ故郷を遥かに離れ、NPCs両親と同じく諸国を冒険している。 Create Date:2009/10/8(水)PHB3.5 Paladin1/PathFinder 1e Monk1 https://seth.hatenadiary.jp/entry/20091008/1255011255 Last UpDate:- 2021/01/05 UCMonk5/3.5Paladin2 D&D3.5 Character Advancements https://www.ign.com/wikis/dungeons-and-dragons/Level_and_XP_progression PC Data ----------------------------------------------------------------- PL:Seth PC:VyOneDDa Break LG Midiun Human Female 14age 180Cm 70Kg White Skin,WhiteSilver Long Hair,Hi-Green Eyes, デイルランドDaleLands出身の人間 https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Dalelands Language:Common 役柄:ラサンダーLathander神のパラディンにして太陽魂会修行者 Lathander https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Lathander https://www.realmshelps.net/deities/Lathander PathFinder 1e UnChained Monk5 https://aonprd.com/ClassDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Monk%20(Unchained) D&D 3.5Paladin2 https://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/paladin.htm 太陽魂(Sun Soul Order(FRCS25p) XP:ECL7:21,000xp Next ECL8:28,000xp https://www.ign.com/wikis/dungeons-and-dragons/Level_and_XP_progression Initiative:+2Dex mod. *Spot (Wis):+7=5R+2Wis mod. Listen:+2=0R+2Wis Mod. Speed:60ft.[=30ft.+30ft.UCmonk5:Fast Movement+Monk’s Belt] ■Ability Scores 32points Buy 【筋力Str】 16(15+1[4level]) +3 【敏捷力Dex】14(14) +2 【耐久力Con】12(12) +1 【知力Int】 10(10) +0 【判断力Wis】14(14) +2 【魅力Cha】 14(14) +2 ■HP HP:53(1st:Paladin10+1+2nd:Paladin6+1+3-7th:UNMonk(6+1)x5) Fearless Destiny[ECL6] http://dnd.arkalseif.info/feats/races-of-destiny--81/fearless-destiny--1097/index.html Lay on Hands (Su:a Standard Action):4=Paladin2x2Cha mod. ■Defences AC *Luck of Heroes:LH(FRCS36p)**Monk’s Belt1300gp UCMonk No Mage Armor AC18=10+2Dex mod.+2Wis mod[UNMonk1]+3[UNMonk10**:ACBonus]+1*+0Armor 接触AC18 立ち竦みAC11=10+1*+0Armor Mage Armor AC22=10+2Dex mod.+2Wis mod[UNMonk1]+3[UNMonk10**:ACBonus]+1*+4Mage Armor 接触AC18 立ち竦みAC15=10+1*+4Mage Armor Greater Mage Armor AC24=10+2Dex mod.+2Wis mod[UNMonk1]+3[UNMonk10**:ACBonus]+1*+6Mage Armor 接触AC17 立ち竦みAC17=10+1*+6Mage Armor Paladin AC17=10+2Dex mod.+1*+4ミスリルチェインシャツ 接触AC13=10+2Dex mod+1*+0Armor 立ち竦みAC15=10+1*+4ミスリルチェインシャツ 頑健+10=+3Paladin2+4UCMonk5+1CON mod.+1*+2Divine grace[Paladin2] 敏捷+9=+0Paladin2+4UCMonk5+2DEX mod.+1*+2Divine gracee[Paladin2],Evasion[UCMonk2] 意志+6/+7=+0Paladin2+1UCMonk5+2WIS mod.+1*+2Divine grace/+2 Still mind vs. Enchantment[UCMonk4] ■Attack *《Paladin1:Ascetic Knight CAd105》 **Monk’s Belt13000gp 基本攻撃ボーナスBAB:+7/+2(+2Paladin+5Monk) 組み付き修正値+10(+7BAB+3Str mod.) Space:5ft. Speed:60ft.[=30ft.+30ft.UCmonk5:Fast Movement+Monk’s Belt] UCMonk Stunning fist[UCMonk1]:UCMonk5+UCMonk5/4=6/day Fort ST DC15=10+7x1/2+2Wis mod. Unarmed Strike:+10/+5=+2Paladin+5UCMonk+3Str mod.Reach:5ft. Unarmed Strike Smite Evil:+12/+5=+2Paladin+5UCMonk+3Str mod. Flurry of Blows:+10/+10/+5=+2Paladin+5UCMonk+3Str mod. Unarmed Strike Damage* **:2d6+3STR,20x2 Ki Pool:4=UCMonk5/2+2Wis mod. Ki Flurry of Blows +10/+10/+10/+5=+2Paladin+5UCMonk+3Str mod. Ki Flurry of Blows Smite Evil +12/+10/+10/+5=+2Paladin+5UCMonk+3Str mod Dmg*:+7=+2Palidin2+5UCMonk5 Paladin GrateSword(高品質) +11/+6melee(+7BAB+3STR+1ench.) 2d6+5(+3STR*1.5),19-20x2 1本 Reach:5ft. Smite evil 1/day HR+10(+4BAB+2STR.+1ench.+3cha),DR2d6+8(+3(+2*1.5)+5 GrateSword(通常) +6melee(+4BAB+2STR) 2d6+3(+2STR*1.5),19-20x2 1本 Smite evil 1/day HR+9(+4BAB+2STR+3cha),DR2d6+8(+3(+2*1.5)+5 Dagger(通常) +10/+5mlee(+7BAB+3STR) 1d4+3STR,19-20x2 3本 ■Skills *Class Skills Skill Points:40 *Spot (Wis):+7=5R+2Wis mod. *Tumble (A,Dex):+10=8R+2Dex mod. *Balance(A,Dex):+5=3R+2Dex mod.1/37 *Escape Artist (Dex):+3=1R+2Dex mod.1/35 *Climb (A,Str):+3=2R+1Str mod. *Jump (A,Str):+3=2R+1Str mod. *Swim (A,Str):+3=2R+1Str mod. *Riding(Dex):+9=7R+2Dex mod. *Handle Animal (T,Cha):+2=1R+1Dex mod. *Heal (Wis)::+3=1R+2Wis mod. *Diplomacy(Cha):+4=2R+2Cha mod. *Sense Motive (Wis):+4=2R+2Wis mod. *Knowledge:Local(ShadowDale)(T:Int):+1=1R+0Int mod. *Knowledge:Religion(Lathandar)(T:Int):+1=1R+0Int mod. Skill Trick Nimble Stand(Complete ScoundreL88) 2/22 You can stand up from prone without provoking attacks of opportunity. ■Equipments 最終的にはNecklace of natural attacks+5のDM裁定が出てから清書予定。 Wand of Lesser Vigor Spell Compendium, p. 229 50Charge 75ogp https://dndtools.net/spells/spell-compendium--86/vigor-lesser--4725/ **Monk’s Belt13000gp ***Necklace of natural attacks+5 15600 gp. Travel Cloak http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/items.php?ID=4136 Magic of Faerun166p This lightweight gray-green cloak pro- tects the wearer against some of the hazards and discom- forts of outdoor travel. The wearer resists cold as if affected by an endure elements (cold) spell. Furthermore, the cloak sheds precipitation, keeping dry the area of the body covered by the cloak (head to knees). In addition,three times per day, the wearer can reach into one of the pockets of the cloak and pull out trail rations sufficient to feed himself. From another pocket, the wearer may with- draw a stoppered 1-quart metal flask that produces either pure cool water or sugared hot tea. The flask produces up to two gallons of liquid per day. The flask only refills if placed back in the pocket of the cloak; if separated from the cloak or wearer, it has no magical properties. Finally, when the wearer utters a command word, the travel cloak expands once per day to the size of a one-person tent. Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, create food and water, enlarge; Market Price: 1,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb. Holy Symbol(Lathander)x1 1lb. 25gp(Table7-8:PHB128p,detail130p) WaterSkinx1 1gp.8lb.(Table7-8:PHB128p,detail126p) BackPack(empty)x1 2lb.2gp(Table7-8:PHB128p,detail126p) 一応容量最大1立方ft.まで、または50lbまで。 Trail Ration x 7 7lbs. ■荷重と重量(作成中) 体重:約55Kg=約121lbs. GrateSword Level Ups ------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ECL1:3.5 Paladin1 HD:1d10 HP:11=10[HD1d10]+1Con mod. Paladin1:Detect Evil,Smite evil 1/day 1st,2nd Free Feats:人間は自由に2個 Feats list https://realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/feat-form.pl Luck of Heroes[1st] https://realmshelps.net/charbuild/feat/Luck_of_Heroes Heroic Destiny[2nd] http://dnd.arkalseif.info/feats/races-of-destiny--81/heroic-destiny--1382/index.html Skill Points:[2Paladin+0Int mod.)x4+4Hunam=12/12 *Riding(Dex):+6=4R+2Dex mod.4/4 *Handle Animal (T,Cha):+2=1R+1Dex mod.1/5 *Heal (Wis)::+3=1R+2Wis mod.1/6 *Diplomacy(Cha):+4=2R+2Cha mod. 2/8 *Sense Motive (Wis):+4=2R+2Wis mod.1/10 *Knowledge:Local(ShadowDale)(T:Int):+1=1R+0Int mod. 1/11 *Knowledge:Religion(Lathandar)(T:Int):+1=1R+0Int mod. 1/12 ■ECL2:UCMonk1 Hit Die:1d8(5)/3.5Paladin1 HP:18=11+7[UCMonk1:1d10[6]+1Con mod.] UCMonk1:Bonus feat,Flurry of blows,Unarmed strike[dmg1d6],Stunning fist AC Bonus:+0,Speed Bonus:+0ft. Bonus feat[UMMonk1]:《Combat Reflexes》 https://realmshelps.net/charbuild/feat/Combat_Reflexes Skill Points:(4+0Int mod.)+1Human=5/17 (Class Skills=3.5 Monk) *Spot (Wis):+4=1R+2Wis mod.1/14 *Tumble (A,Dex):+4=2R+2Dex mod.2/15 *Balance(A,Dex):+3=1R+2Dex mod.1/16 *Climb (A,Str):+2=1R+1Str mod.1/17 ■ECL3:UCMonk2/3.5Paladin1 HP:25=11+7[UCMonk1:1d10[6]+1Con mod.]x2 3rd Free Feat:Ascetic Knight[3rd] https://realmshelps.net/charbuild/feat/Ascetic_Knight Bonus feat=《Combat Reflex(PHB36p)》 Evasion Skill Points:(4+0Int mod.)+1Human=5/22 *Spot (Wis):+4=2R+2Wis mod.1/18 *Tumble (A,Dex):+8=6R+2Dex mod.4/22 ■ECL4:UCMonk2/3.5Paladin2 HP:32=11+7[UCMonk1:1d10[6]+1Con mod.]x2+7[3.5Paladin1d10[6]+1Con mod.] 3.5Paldin2:Divine grace,lay on hands Skill Points:(2+0Int mod.)+1Human=3/25 *Riding(Dex):+9=7R+2Dex mod.3/25 ■ECL5:UCMonk3/3.5Paladin2 HP:39=11+7[UCMonk1:1d10[6]+1Con mod.]x3+7[3.5Paladin1d10[6]+1Con mod.] UCMonk3:Fast movement+10ft., Ki pool, Ki strike (magic) Skill Points:(4+0Int mod.)+1Human=5/30 *Spot (Wis):+5=3R+2Wis mod.1/26 *Tumble (A,Dex):+10=8R+2Dex mod.2/28 Skill Trick Nimble Stand(Complete ScoundreL88) 2/30 You can stand up from prone without provoking attacks of opportunity. https://dndtools.net/feats/complete-scoundrel--60/nimble-stand--3297/ ■ECL6:UCMonk4/3.5Paladin2 HP:46=11+7[UCMonk1:1d10[6]+1Con mod.]x4+7[3.5Paladin1d10[6]+1Con mod.] UCMonk4:Ki power, Still mind,Unarmed strike[dmg1d8],AC Bonus:+1 4th Free Feat: Fearless Destiny http://dnd.arkalseif.info/feats/races-of-destiny--81/fearless-destiny--1097/index.html Skill Points:(4+0Int mod.)+1Human=5/35 *Spot (Wis):+6=4R+2Wis mod.1/31 *Balance(A,Dex):+4=2R+2Dex mod..1/32 *Jump (A,Str):+2=1R+1Str mod.1/33 *Swim (A,Str):+2=1R+1Str mod.1/34 *Escape Artist (Dex):+3=1R+2Dex mod.1/35 ■ECL7:UCMonk5/3.5Paladin2 HP:53=11+7[UCMonk1:1d10[6]+1Con mod.]x5+7[3.5Paladin1d10[6]+1Con mod.] UCMonk5:Purity of body, Style Strike (1/round) Skill Points:(4+0Int mod.)+1Human=5/40 *Spot (Wis):+7=5R+2Wis mod.1/36 *Balance(A,Dex):+5=3R+2Dex mod.1/37 *Climb (A,Str):+3=2R+1Str mod.1/38 *Jump (A,Str):+3=2R+1Str mod.1/39 *Swim (A,Str):+3=2R+1Str mod.1/40 以上 |
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キャラクターID: 161030366974Seth7
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