不酔不闘bù zuì bù dòu(D&D5版用キャラクターシート)


不酔不闘bù zuì bù dòuの詳細

キャラクター情報  NPCでの使用可(連絡自由)
TRPGの種別: D&D5版
不酔不闘bù zuì bù dòu

いいね! いいね! 0

キャラクター名: 不酔不闘bù zuì bù dòu
21 / 21
ki3 / 3
キャラクターデータPC Data No.2
DM nalさん OGL準拠版

キャラクターデータPC Data No.1
フォアゴットン  レルムズForgotten Realms版
 1475DR10月1日の真夜中、NPCs Tieflijg両親の元、
Baldur’s Gate
生まれつき翼付きだっため、物心付く頃にはBaldur’s Gateの港で
港の酒場で色々とあって、そのほとぼりを冷ますためにBaldur’s Gateを
NPC Rasaad yn Bashir LG Human Selûne Sun Soul Monk


Forgotten Realms年代記

作成日Create Date:2020/10/01 Monk3

プレイヤーズ ハンドブックPlayer’s Handbook
ポイントバイpoint Buy 27/27

プレイヤー名PL Name:Seth
キャラクター名PC Name: 不酔不闘bù zuì bù dòu
13old Female Tiefling Chaotic Good
身長6’1”=186Cm 体重170lb.=77kg
種族Race: 翼ティーフリングWinged Tiefling
クラスとレベルClass&Level: モンクMonk3 (酔拳道Way of the Drunken Master)
背景Background:バルダーズゲートBaldur’s Gate船乗りBaldur’s Gate Sailor
アライメントAlignment: Chaotic Good
言語Languages You can speak, read, and write Common, Infernal.
信仰Deities:幸運の女神トゥームTymora, Goddess of Good Fortune
経験値Experience: 300 xp

* 習熟ボーナス込みincludes +2 proficiency bonus;
** 専門化込みincludes expertise, if any
B* 背景からの取得Background Baldur’s Gate Sailor
Mx* モンククラスxレベルからの取得Class Monk 

筋力Strength 12(4points)
+1 ... 筋力判定Strength Ability Checks
+3 ... 筋力セイビングスローStrength Saving Throws M1*
+3 ... 運動Athletics Skill B*
180 lbs. ... 荷重ペナルティー無しMaximum Carrying Capacity 12STRx15
360 lbs. ... 押し引き最大値Max. Push or Drag (移動力Speed -5 ft.) 180x2
360 lbs. ... 最大荷重Maximum Lift 180x2

敏捷力Dexterity 16(14:7points+2Winged Tiefling)
+3 ... 敏捷力判定Dexterity Ability Checks
+5 ... 敏捷力セイビングスローDexterity Saving Throws M1*
+5 ... 軽業Acrobatics Skill M1*
+3 ... 手先の早業Sleight of Hand Skill
船舶(河川)vehicles (water)
+3 ... 隠密Stealth Skill

耐久力Constitution 12(4points)
+1 ... 耐久力判定Constitution Ability Checks
+1 ... 耐久力セイビングスローConstitution Saving Throws
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies

知力Intelligence 10(9:1points+1Winged Tiefling)
+0 ... 知力判定Intelligence Ability Checks
+0 ... 知力セイビングスローIntelligence Saving Throws
+0 ... 魔法学Arcana Skill
+0 ... 歴史History Skill
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies
船舶(河川)vehicles (water)
+0 ... 捜査Investigation Skill
+0 ... 自然Nature Skill
+0 ... 宗教Religion Skill

判断力Wisdom 14(7points)
+2 ... 判断力判定Wisdom Ability Checks
+2 ... 判断力セイビングスローWisdom Saving Throws
+4 ... 動物使いAnimal Handling Skill
+4 ... 看破Insight Skill M1*
+2 ... 医術Medicine Skill
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies
+4 ... 知覚Perception Skill B* 
Thanks to your infernal heritage, 
you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. 
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if 
it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. 
You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
+2 ... 生存Survival Skill
航海道具Navigator’s tools(習熟済み)
位置と時間測定DC20 地図(記入済み)が必要
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies
飲料水の浄化:判定無し小休憩Short Rest1ガロン=3.8リットル大休憩Long  Rest6ガロン=約23リットル

魅力Charisma 12(4points)
+1 ... 魅力判定Charisma Ability Checks
+1 ... 魅力セイビングスローCharisma Saving Throws
+1 ... ペテンDeception Skill
+1 ... 威圧Intimidation Skill
+3 ... 芸能Performance Skill M3* Drunken Master
+1 ... 説得Persuasion Skill
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies

習熟済み道具Tool Proficiencies
航海道具Navigator’s tools B* ザナサー本85p
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies M3* 酔拳マスターDrunken Master
飲料水の浄化:小休憩Short Rest1ガロン=3.8リットル大休憩Long  Rest6ガロン=約23リットル
船舶(河川)vehicles (water) B*
Sailing Ship DMGp119 Vehicle (water) 10,000 gp
Speed: 2mph
Carrying Capacity: 100 tons cargo, 20 passengers
Crew 20, AC 15, HP 300, Damage Threshold 15

14 ... 受動視認Passive Perception
+3 ... イニシアチブInitiative Modifier

HP Monk3:21=(Monk1:9=8+1CON mod.+Monk2,3:12=(5+1CON mod.)x2)
• Hellish Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.
Armor Class 15=10+3Dex mod.+2WIS mod(Armor worn: None (Unarmored Defense Feature))

Speed 40ft.= 30 ft. ... Base distance per move+Monk2:+10ft.
Flight 40ft.=30ft.+Monk2:+10ft.
You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.

Martial Arts. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage. Make unarmed strike as bonus action.

Martial Arts During A Turn: Counting actions and bonus actions, make two unarmed attacks or one weapon attack plus one unarmed attack in turn. (Opportunity attack is a seperate reaction, do once per round.)
Your talons are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage
 equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit. Hit: 1d4+3 piercing damage. (Normal range to 20 ft.; disadvantage long range 21 to 60 ft.)

Monk Class Features [PHB p. 76]
• Unarmored Defense (AC)
• Martial Arts (1d4, bonus attack)
 Ki points:2
 Ki save DC:12=8+2proficiency bonus+2WIS mod.
 (= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier)
 Ki points:3
 Ki save DC:12=8+2proficiency bonus+2WIS mod.
 (= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier)

 Flurry of Blows
 Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

 Patient Defense
 You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.

 Step of the Wind
 You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.

 Unarmored Movement:+10 ft.
 Starting at 2nd level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain monk levels, as shown in the Monk table.

At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during the move.

Fly speed

Carried Gear: 大ジョッキ! shortsword, ten (10) darts,Explorer’s Pack, cobbler’s tools (shoe forms, cutting and stitching tools, etc.), 
Equipment A belaying pin (club), silk rope (50 feet), a lucky charm such as a rabbit foot or a small stone with a hole in the center 
(or you may roll for a random trinket on the Trinkets table in chapter 5), a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp(たぶんお金はほぼ酒代に・・・www)


第1回2020/10/13(火)  Monk3

第2回2021/05/08(土)  Monk3
蛮族退治だって? ワー大変だー! 

第3回2022/01/04(平日火) Monk5
キャラクターデータPC Data No.2
DM nalさん OGL準拠版



キャラクターデータPC Data No.2
DM nalさん OGL準拠版
作成日Create Date:2021/12/23 Monk5

プレイヤーズ ハンドブックPlayer’s Handbook
ポイントバイpoint Buy 27/27

プレイヤー名PL Name:Seth
キャラクター名PC Name: 不酔不闘bù zuì bù dòu
13old Female Tiefling Chaotic Good
アライメントAlignment:混沌にして善Chaotic Good
種族Race: ティーフリングTiefling
サイズ:中型Medium 身長6’1”=186Cm 体重170lb.=77kg
クラスとレベルClass&Level: モンクMonk5 (酔拳道Way of the Drunken Master)
経験値Experience: 6500 xp

* 習熟ボーナス込みincludes +3 proficiency bonus;
** 専門化込みincludes expertise, if any
B* 背景からの取得Background Baldur’s Gate Sailor
Mx* モンククラスxレベルからの取得Class Monk 

筋力Strength 12(4points)+1
+1 ... 筋力判定Strength Ability Checks
+4 ... 筋力セイビングスローStrength Saving Throws M1*
+1 ... 運動Athletics Skill

敏捷力Dexterity 17(15:9points+2成長4レベル時)+3
+3 ... 敏捷力判定Dexterity Ability Checks
+6 ... 敏捷力セイビングスローDexterity Saving Throws M1*
+6 ... 軽業Acrobatics Skill M1*
+3 ... 手先の早業Sleight of Hand Skill
盗賊道具Tievies’s Tools B*
+6 ... 隠密Stealth Skill B*

耐久力Constitution 12(4points)+1
+1 ... 耐久力判定Constitution Ability Checks
+1 ... 耐久力セイビングスローConstitution Saving Throws
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies

知力Intelligence 10(9:1points+1Tiefling)
+0 ... 知力判定Intelligence Ability Checks
+0 ... 知力セイビングスローIntelligence Saving Throws
+0 ... 魔法学Arcana Skill
+0 ... 歴史History Skill
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies
船舶(河川)vehicles (water)
+0 ... 捜査Investigation Skill
+0 ... 自然Nature Skill
+0 ... 宗教Religion Skill

判断力Wisdom 14(7points)+2
+2 ... 判断力判定Wisdom Ability Checks
+2 ... 判断力セイビングスローWisdom Saving Throws
+4 ... 動物使いAnimal Handling Skill
+5 ... 看破Insight Skill M1*
+2 ... 医術Medicine Skill
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies  M3*
+2 ... 知覚Perception Skill 暗視60ft.
Thanks to your infernal heritage, 
you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. 
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if 
it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. 
You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
+2 ... 生存Survival Skill
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies M3*
小休憩Short Rest1ガロン=3.8リットル
大休憩Long  Rest6ガロン=約23リットル

魅力Charisma 12(10:0points+2Tiefling)*1
+1 ... 魅力判定Charisma Ability Checks
+1 ... 魅力セイビングスローCharisma Saving Throws
+4 ... ペテンDeception Skill B*
ゲーム道具Gaming Set:サイコロ、サイコロ賭博系小道具数種類一式
+1 ... 威圧Intimidation Skill
+3 ... 芸能Performance Skill M3* Drunken Master
+1 ... 説得Persuasion Skill
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies  M3*

習熟済み道具Tool Proficiencies
盗賊道具Tievies’s Tools B*
ゲーム道具Gaming Set:サイコロ、サイコロ賭博系小道具数種類一式 B*
醸造用品Brewer’s supplies M3* 酔拳マスターDrunken Master
飲料水の浄化:小休憩Short Rest1ガロン=3.8リットル大休憩Long  Rest6ガロン=約23リットル

12 ... 受動視認Passive Perception
+3 ... イニシアチブInitiative Modifier

HP:Monk5:33=(Monk1:9=8+1CON mod.+24=(5+1CON mod.)x4)
・地獄の抵抗力Hellish Resistance
火ダメージに抵抗You have resistance to fire damage.
リアクション 遠隔攻撃ダメージ-(1d10+3敏捷力DEX修正値+
リアクション 落下ダメージ-25(=5モンクレベルx5)

(Armor worn: None (纒わぬ守りUnarmored Defense Feature))
・護身:気1ポイント消費 ボーナス行動 次の自分の手番直前まで回避アクションを取る

移動力Speed 40ft.= 30ft.+10ft.運足法Monk2
・疾風足:気1ポイント消費 ボーナス行動 離脱アクションをその自分の手番の終わりまで取る、かつ、その手番中は跳躍距離が2倍になる

武術Martial Arts
+6/+6 =+3敏捷力DEX修正値+3習熟ボーナス 通常行動 武術 追加攻撃Monk5 素手攻撃2回
+6 =+3敏捷力DEX修正値+3習熟ボーナス ボーナス行動 武術 通常行動で素手攻撃しているならばボーナス行動で素手攻撃1回出来る
+6/+6 =+3敏捷力DEX修正値+3習熟ボーナス ボーナス行動 武術 連打 気1ポイント消費 通常行動で素手攻撃しているならばボーナス行動で素手攻撃2回出来る かつ、酔拳門Monk3の酔拳の技が自動発動する
ボーナス行動 連打使用時のみに自動発動
50ft.= 30ft.+10ft.運足法Monk2+10ft.酔拳の技Monk3
1d6+3 +3敏捷力DEX修正値 素手 殴打ダメージ
命中対象は耐久力CONセイビングスローDC13 =8+2判断力WIS修正値+3習熟ボーナス失敗で朦朧状態(朦朧撃使用者の次の手番の終了まで)

+6 =+3敏捷力DEX修正値+3習熟ボーナス 通常行動 ダートDart投擲 20/60ft. 1回攻撃
1d4+3 +3敏捷力DEX修正値 ダートDart投擲 刺突ダメージ

気セーブ:DC13 =8+2判断力WIS修正値+3習熟ボーナス

魔法 主要能力値Ability Scores=魅力CHA
・地獄の血の遺産Infernal Legacy
種族ティーフリング 日本語版PHB33p
初級呪文Cantrip ソーマタージュThaumaturgy 60ft.最大1分間 各種ノーダメージ系現象発現
ヘリッシュ・リビュークHellish Rebuke Monk3 1回(大休憩LongRest回復)
自動命中 敏捷力DEXセイビングスローDC12 =8+1魅力CHA修正値+3習熟ボーナス失敗で2d10火ダメージ
ダークネスDarkness Monk5 60ft.精神集中最大10分間 1回(大休憩LongRest回復)


旅行者服Traveler’s Clothes x1 @2gp/4lbs.

 水袋Waterskin=酒袋 x2 @2sp,/5lb.(full)/10lb.

ポーチPouch x1 @5sp/1lbs.[2gp7sp/7lb.] 
 火口箱Tinderbox x1 @5sp/1lbs.
 油Oil (flask) x5 @1sp/1lbs.
 ハンマーHammer Steel x1 @1gp/3lb.
 ピトンPiton x20 @1cp/0.05lb./1lb.

ポーチaPouch x1 @5sp/1lbs.一式[17gp1sp/1.5lb.] 
 チョークChalk (1 piece) x5 @1cp/-
 羊皮紙Parchment (one sheet) x10 @1sp/-
 鵞鳥ペンInk pen x5 @2cp/-
 インクInk(1 ounce bottle) x1 @10gp/-
 石鹸Soap x5 @2cp/-
 手鏡Mirror,steel x1 @5gp/0.5lbsa

背嚢Backpack x1 @2gp/5lbs.一式[20gp2sp/59lb.]
 冬服Clothing, cold weather x1 @10gp/5lb.
 ペッドロールBedroll x1 @1gp/7lbs.
 ブランケットBlanket x1 @5sp/3lbs.
 保存食Rations (1 day) x7 @5sp/2lbs./14lb.
 釣り道具一式Fishing Tackle x1 @1gp,/4lb.
 麻ロープRope, hempen (50 feet) x4 @1gp/10lbs/20lb.1
 ビドンPiton x20 @1cp/0.05lb./1lb.

所持現金:33gp 1sp 0cp


Background:Baldur’s Gate Sailor
Source:Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, page 204. Additional information from PHB, page 139.
* Skill Proficiencies Athletics, Perception
* Tool Proficiencies Navigator’s tools, vehicles (water)
* Equipment A belaying pin (club), silk rope (50 feet), a lucky charm such as a rabbit foot or a small stone with a hole in the center 
(or you may roll for a random trinket on the Trinkets table in chapter 5), a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
*Feature: Ship’s Passage
When you need to, you can secure free passage on a sailing ship for yourself and your adventuring companions. 
You might sail on the ship you served on, or another ship you have good relations with (perhaps one captained by a former crewmate). 
Because you’re calling in a favor, you can’t be certain of a schedule or route that will meet your every need. 
Your Dungeon Master will determine how long it takes to get where you need to go.
 In return for your free passage, you and your companions are expected to assist the crew during the voyage.
*Baldur’s Gate Feature: Smuggler’s Sense
 The effects of a Baldur’s Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur’s Gate—though, at the DM’s discretion, 
they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur’s Gate.
You’re familiar with the docks of Baldur’s Gate, the movement of inspectors and tax collectors, the way cargo and coin flows. 
As a result, it’s easy for you to hustle a load of cargo ashore or see such a cargo onto a cooperative ship without attracting suspicion or taxation. 
You also know the movements of the Gray Wavers—the Flaming Fist harbor guards—and have a sense of how to operate the city’s mechanized cranes.
*Suggested Characteristics
Sailors can be a rough lot, but the responsibilities of life on a ship make them generally reliable as well. 
Life aboard a ship shapes their outlook and forms their most important attachments.
*Personality Trait 1d8
1 My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what.
2 I work hard so that I can play hard when the work is done.
3 I enjoy sailing into new ports and making new friends over a flagon of ale.
4 I stretch the truth for the sake of a good story.
5 To me, a tavern brawl is a nice way to get to know a new city.
6 I never pass up a friendly wager.
7 My language is as foul as an otyugh nest.
8 I like a job well done, especially if I can convince someone else to do it.
*Ideal 1d6
1 Respect. The thing that keeps a ship together is mutual respect between captain and crew. (Good)
2 Fairness. We all do the work, so we all share in the rewards. (Lawful)
3 Freedom. The sea is freedom—the freedom to go anywhere and do anything. (Chaotic)
4 Mastery. I’m a predator, and the other ships on the sea are my prey. (Evil)
5 People. I’m committed to my crewmates, not to ideals. (Neutral)
6 Aspiration. Someday, I’ll own my own ship and chart my own destiny. (Any)
*Bond d16
1 I’m loyal to my captain first, everything else second.
2 The ship is most important—crewmates and captains come and go.
3 I’ll always remember my first ship.
4 In a harbor town, I have a paramour whose eyes nearly stole me from the sea.
5 I was cheated out of my fair share of the profits, and I want to get my due.
6 Ruthless pirates murdered my captain and crewmates, plundered our ship, and left me to die. Vengeance will be mine.
*Flaw 1d6
1 I follow orders, even if I think they’re wrong.
2 I’ll say anything to avoid having to do extra work.
3 Once someone questions my courage, I never back down no matter how dangerous the situation.
4 Once I start drinking, it’s hard for me to stop.
5 I can’t help but pocket loose coins and other trinkets I come across.
6 My pride will probably lead to my destruction.

Tiefling Features
•Winged Bloodline   Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide page 118
   Rather than magic, certain tieflings inherit the leathery wings of their devilish ancestors.
     Ability Scores: Int +1; Choose Dex or Cha +2 
     Size: Medium 
     Speed: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. 
     Winged. You have bat-like wings sprouting from your shoulders. 
                  You have a flying speed of 30 feet while you aren’t wearing heavy armor.
• Age. 90-150old,Tieflings mature at the same rate as humans but live a few years longer.
• Alignment. Tieflings might not have an innate tendency toward evil, but many of them end up there.
                    Evil or not, an independent nature inclines many tieflings toward a chaotic alignment.
• Size. Tieflings are about the same size and build as humans. Your size is Medium.
• Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
• Darkvision. Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. 
                    You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. 
                    You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
• Hellish Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.
• Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal.

Armor: none
Weapons: Simple Weapons, shortswords
Tools: any one type of artisan’s tools or any one musical Instrument of your choice
Starting Equipment
• (a) a Shortsword or (b) any simple weapon
• (a) a Dungeoneer’s Pack or (b) an Explorer’s Pack
• 10 darts
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, and Stealth
Monk Class HD 1d8 
HP Monk3:21=(Monk1:9=8+1CON mod.+Monk2,3:12=(5+1CON mod.)x2)
1st  +2 1d4B Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts
2nd +2 1d4B 2ki +10 ft. Ki, Unarmored Movement
Ki save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Flurry of Blows
  Immediately after you take the Attack action on Your Turn, 
you can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a Bonus Action.
Patient Defense
  You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a Bonus Action on Your Turn.
Step of the Wind
  You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a Bonus Action on Your Turn, 
and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.
3rd  +2 1d4B 3ki +10 ft. Monastic Tradition, Deflect Missiles
Deflect Missiles
 Starting at 3rd Level, you can use your Reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon Attack. 
 When you do so, the damage you take from the Attack is reduced by 1d 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your monk level.
 If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one hand free. 
 If you catch a missile in this way, you can spend 1 ki point to make a ranged Attack (range 20 feet/60 feet) with the weapon 
or piece of Ammunition you just caught, as part of the same Reaction. You make this Attack with proficiency, 
regardless of your weapon Proficiencies, and the missile counts as a monk weapon for the Attack.

Way of the Drunken Master
・Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Performance skill if you don’t already have it. 
Your martial arts technique mixes combat training with the precision of a dancer and the antics of a jester. 
You also gain proficiency with brewer’s supplies if you don’t already have it.
・Drunken Technique
At 3rd level, you learn how to twist and turn quickly as part of your Flurry of Blows. 
Whenever you use Flurry of Blows, you gain the benefit of the Disengage action, 
and your walking speed increases by 10 feet until the end of the current turn.
・Tipsy Sway
Starting at 6th level, you can move in sudden, swaying ways. You gain the following benefits.
Leap to Your Feet. When you’re prone, you can stand up by spending 5 feet of movement, rather than half your speed.
Redirect Attack. When a creature misses you with a melee attack roll, 
you can spend 1 ki point as a reaction to cause that attack to hit one creature of your choice, 
other than the attacker, that you can see within 5 feet of you.
・Drunkard’s Luck
Starting at 11th level, you always seem to get a lucky bounce at the right moment. 
When you make an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw and have disadvantage, 
you can spend 2 ki points to cancel the disadvantage for that roll.
・Intoxicated Frenzy
At 17th level, you gain the ability to make an overwhelming number of attacks against a group of enemies. 
When you use your Flurry of Blows, you can make up to three additional attacks with it (up to a total of five Flurry of Blows attacks), 
provided that each Flurry of Blows attack targets a different creature this turn.

Deities:Tymora, Goddess of Good Fortune
Alignment: chaotic good 
Alternate Names: Lady Luck, Our Smiling Lady 
Category: None 
Domains: Trickery 
Pantheon: Faerûnian 
Symbol: Face-up coin 
Tymora is the bright-faced goddess of fortune, the one to whom gamblers and game-players pray in Faerûn. Our Smiling Lady is said to love none so much as those who gamble with the utmost skill and daring. Yet she is thought to watch over all who take risks to better their fortunes.
The battle cry of the followers of Tymora is ”Fortune favors the bold.” Someone might say words to Tymora before any endeavor in which a little good luck would help, but not when an incidence of bad luck might occur. (On such occasions folk pray to Beshaba to spare them from bad luck; praying to both is thought to anger both goddesses.) One common method of divining the future is to toss a coin to a stranger (typically a beggar) and ask if it’s heads. If it is, the coin is left with the stranger as payment for Tymora’s favor. If it’s not, the stranger can choose to keep it (and the bad luck) or return it.
Those who favor Tymora - as distinct from folk who invoke her name by mumbling over the dice - tend to be daring sorts. Adventurers and gamblers make up much of their ranks. They all have the belief that what is good about their lives is the result of having both good luck and the bravery to seek it out. Tymora has worshipers among all sorts of folk: the dashing young noble, the risk-taking merchant, the daydreaming field hand, and the scheming ne’er-do-well.
Priests of Tymora and temples devoted to Lady Luck are scarce, since her faith tends not to stress a need for intermediaries: ”Let the lucky man and the Smiling Lady suss it out,” as the old saying goes. Shrines to Tymora at gambling parlors aren’t unusual, however, and sometimes such establishments attract a priest and effectively become temples.
The Legend of Tyche and Her Twin Daughters
Before the Dawn Cataclysm, there was but one goddess of luck, Tyche. Ever flirting with fortune and disaster, Lady Luck bestowed and withdrew her favor at a whim. When her current paramour, Lathander, started a fight among the gods, Tyche kissed the Morninglord with misfortune and wandered off to explore the world.
During her travels, Lady Luck discovered a budding rose of unequaled beauty. Delighted with this fortuitous happenstance, Tyche reached to pluck this delightful token, which she assumed was a peace overture from Lathander, who sought to regain her good graces. Much to her amazement, Lady Luck couldn’t pluck the rose from its bush no matter how hard she tried. Frustrated, she cursed the rose with bad luck, and the flower’s stem broke in her hands. Tyche put the plucked rose behind her ear and continued on her way. Unknown to Tyche, the rose was a manifestation of Moander, god of corruption and decay. The severed rose stem crept into Tyche’s ear and subtly began to rot her from the inside out.
When Tyche returned home, she came across her dear friend, the goddess Selûne, waiting to speak with her. Also waiting for her were Lathander, who wished to regain her affections, and Azuth, who had come to mediate the dispute between the two. Selûne wept great tears as she saw the corruption destroying her friend from within, and before Tyche could discern her intent, Selûne lashed out with a bolt of purifying light. Tyche’s rotted core split down the middle and a smaller, brighter version of the goddess of luck stepped out, allowing the goddess of the moon to save that which was good and pure in her friend. However, following this first figure out of the rotten shell was another form stunning to behold, but full of dark malice and capricious ill will. As the two forms emerged, they immediately fell upon each other in hate, struggling madly, and were separated only by the combined efforts of all three visitors.
It is said that Tymora, Tyche’s Fair-Haired Daughter, embodies all the grace and kindness of her mother, while Beshaba, Tyche’s Unpleasant Daughter, got only her looks. Since their birth, the twin aspects of Tyche - Tymora, Lady Luck, and Beshaba, Maid of Misfortune - have battled each other, contesting matters as great as the fate of nations and as small as the flip of a coin.
Source: SCAG, page 21 

This deity is a reprint. The version below was printed in an older publication (Player’s Handbook, page 294).
Alignment: chaotic good 
Category: None 
Domains: Trickery 
Pantheon: Forgotten Realms 
Symbol: Face-up coin 



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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. 
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.