Makla Minotaur Monk(D&D5版用キャラクターシート)
Makla Minotaur Monkの詳細
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TRPGの種別: | D&D5版 |
キャラクター名: | Makla Minotaur Monk | |
♥: | 9 / 9 | |
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メモ: | Discord募集用キャラシー Monk1 Monk2 プレーンシフト用キャラ の方はキャラクターデータ違ってますので小注意を! |
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Discord募集用と相違があるので注意! PC名 Elyuja (Common) 「別次元の世界から、あくまで修行のためにこの世界へ参りました。 モーっ!とか身長、体重、匂いの話は・・・本当に死亡フラグです」 (フレンズ系ネタも、るーみっくわーるどネタなども、厳禁です!www) 「ten guilds of RavnicのSimic(THE SIMIC COMBINE)から、謎の異世界イニスラード Innistrad?調査のために、謎のPlane Shift次元転送移された牛人娘さん。 THE SIMIC COMBINEのDeepSage見習い試験受験者=牛人さんたちの牛角流=四大門 Way of the Four Elements流派のひとりのモンク嬢。 本牛人嬢は、何故か?ちょっと不満そう??」 ▼追加設定ハンドアウト DMさんから提案予定。 Create Date:2020/12/05(土) Monk1 Last UpDate: 2024/03/04(月)Monk2 Monk Minotau Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica18p Option導入予定 Backgrounds 《基本情報》 【クラス&レベル】Monk1 牛角Horn流 Monk3予定四大門Way of the Four Elements流派(SimicのDeepSage) 【種族】Minotaur少女14才 Height5’8”=約172Cm Weight716lb.=約324.8Kg 5’4”+2d8Height=4 175lb x(2d6)lbWeight=4 Height= Base Height+ Height Modifier in inches(1/12feet) Weight= (Base Weight+ Height Modifier in pounds) x Weight Modifier 【サイズ】 中型Medium 【属性】LN(ちょっ懐疑的な牛人嬢) 【背景】Outlander(Ravnic、Simic) 【言語】共通語Ravnic、Minotaur[Minotaurs]Ravnic、共通語Innistrad[Outlander(Ravnic、Simic)] 【経験点】0 《能力値》 ※能力値(セービングスロー) 27Points Buy Build 【筋力】16=14+2Minotaur(+3)* 【敏捷】14 (+2)* 【耐久】12=11+1Minotaur (+1) 【知力】10 (+0) 【判断】14 (+2) 【魅力】9 (-1) 【習熟ボーナス】+2 【受動:判断力】14=10+2Wis mod.+2習熟ボーナス 【AC】14 =10+2Dex mod.+2Wis mod.[Mnok1] 【イニシアチブ】+2 Dex mod. 【移動速度】30ft.Minotaur 240 lbs. ... Maximum Carrying Capacity STR16x15 480 lbs. ... Max. Push or Drag (Speed -5 ft.) 480 lbs. ... Maximum Lift 【HP】9 =8[Monk1:1d8]+1Con mod. 【HD】1d8 《技能》 [威圧:]-1 = -1Cha mod. [医術:]+2 = +2Wis mod. [運動:]+4 = +2Dex mod.+2習熟ボーナス Outlander(Ravnic、Simic) [隠密:]+2 = +2Dex mod. [軽業:]+4 = +2Dex mod.+2習熟ボーナス Monk1 [看破:]+0 = +0Int mod. [芸能:]-1 = -1Cha mod. [自然:]+0 = +0Int mod. [宗教:]+0 = +0Int mod. [生存:]+4 = +2Wis mod.+2習熟ボーナス Outlander(Ravnic、Simic) [説得:]+1 = -1Cha mod.+2習熟ボーナス Imposing Presence. [捜査:]+0 = +0Int mod. [知覚:]+4 = +2Wis mod.+2習熟ボーナス Monk1 [手先の軽業:]+2 = +2Dex mod. [動物使い:]+2 = +2Wis mod. [ペテン:]-1 = -1Cha mod. [魔法学:]+0 = +0Int mod. [歴史:]+0 = +0Int mod. 《その他の習熟》 武道Martial Arts[Monk1] 牛角流 Monk3予定四大門Way of the Four Elements流派(SimicのDeepSage) 纒わぬ鎧Unarmored Defense[Monk1] 《攻撃》 武道Martial Arts[Monk1] 全てReach5ft. 素手&牛角Unarmored Attack +5 =+3Str mod.+2習熟ボーナス 素手ダメージ 1d4+3Str mod. 殴打B 牛角ダメージ 1d6+3Str mod. 刺突P 投擲 ジャベリンJavelin +4 = +2Dex mod.+2習熟ボーナス thrown(30/120ft.) ジャベリンダメージ 1d6+2Dex mod. 刺突piercing 《装備》 2レベル資産94gpから購入して準備済み。 Character Wealth By Level ジャベリンJavelin x5 @5sp/2lbs./10lb. 旅行者服Traveler’s Clothes x1 @2gp/4lbs.装備一式[14gp4sp/36+10lb.] ランタン(ブルズアイ)Lantern, bullseye x1 @10gp/2lbs. 麻ロープRope, hempen (50 feet) x2 @1gp/10lbs/20lb. 水袋Waterskin x2 @2sp,/5lb.(full)/10lb. キタラCithara Musical instrument[BackGround]x1 @?/10lb. ポーチPouch x1 @5sp/1lbs.[2gp7sp/7lb.] 火口箱Tinderbox x1 @5sp/1lbs. 油Oil (flask) x5 @1sp/1lbs. ハンマーHammer Steel x1 @1gp/3lb. ピトンPiton x20 @1cp/0.05lb./1lb. ポーチaPouch x1 @5sp/1lbs.一式[17gp1sp/1.5lb.] チョークChalk (1 piece) x5 @1cp/- 羊皮紙Parchment (one sheet) x10 @1sp/- 鵞鳥ペンInk pen x5 @2cp/- インクInk(1 ounce bottle) x1 @10gp/- 石鹸Soap x5 @2cp/- 手鏡Mirror,steel x1 @5gp/0.5lbsa 背嚢Backpack x1 @2gp/5lbs.一式[20gp2sp/59lb.] 石工道具mason’s tools. 冬服Clothing, cold weather x1 @10gp/5lb. ペッドロールBedroll x1 @1gp/7lbs. ブランケットBlanket x1 @5sp/3lbs. 保存食Rations (1 day) x7 @5sp/2lbs./14lb. 釣り道具一式Fishing Tackle x1 @1gp,/4lb. 麻ロープRope, hempen (50 feet) x2 @1gp/10lbs/20lb.1 ビドンPiton x20 @1cp/0.05lb./1lb. 購入額:56gp9sp 所持現金:47gp 1sp 0cp[94gpの残金] 総重量:123.5lb.=10+10+44.5+59 Minotaur Traits Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score in- creases by 1. Alignment. Most minotaurs who join the Boros Legion lean toward lawful alignments, while those associated with the Cult of Rakdos or the Gruul Clans tend toward chaotic alignments. Size. Minotaurs average over 6 feet in height, and they have stocky builds. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Horns. Your horns are natura l melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. Ifyou hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to ld6 +your Strength modifier. instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. Goring Rush. Immediately after you use the Dash action on your turn and move at least 20 feet, you can make one melee attack with your horns as a bo- nus action. HammeringHorns. Immediately after you hit a crea- ture with a melee attack as part of the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to shove that target with your horns. The target must be no more than one size larger than you and within 5 feet ofyou. Unless it succeeds on a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier, you push it up to 10 feet away from you. Imposing Presence. You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Intimidation or Persuasion. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Minotaur. BackGrouds Outlander Skill Proficiencies:Athletics (STR), Survival (WIS) Equipment:Musical instrument x1 Languages:Any 1 ◆セッション参加履歴 2024/02/18(日)Monk1 2024/02/18 [Discord][OGL5e] ラヴニカ・カレーバトル!単発 遊了! 2024/03/03(日)Monk1 2024/03/04 [Discord][OGL5e] ラヴニカ・カレーバトル!単発2回目! 遊了! 2レベルアップ! 以上 |
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キャラクターID: 160739714563Seth7
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.