Starfinder: Galactic Magic


Starfinder: Galactic Magic システム:


明るい ☆☆★☆☆ ダーク
書籍種類: サプリメント リアル ☆☆★☆☆ ファンタジー
発行年月: 2022-02 直感的 ☆☆★☆☆ 頭脳的
所持する人: 2人 短時間 ☆☆☆★☆ 長時間
コメント数: 1件 初心者向け ☆☆☆★☆ 玄人向け
著者/編集:Kate Baker, Rigby Bendele, Matthew Carruthers, Jessica Catalan, John Compton
出版社:Paizo Pub Llc

Unravel the eldritch mysteries of the galaxy! The new Galactic Magic hardcover rulebook for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game adds magical flair to any hero with a wealth of fantastical magic-infused character options for starfarers of any class! More than 100 spells, a host of powerful rituals, and an array of magic gear, hybrid items, and artifacts give you the edge to survive in a weird universe with lurking dangers at the end of every jump. The brand-new precog class allows you to see and change the future, relying on predictive prerolls to navigate clutch situations and quick reflexes to manipulate combat. Study arcana among the stars with a host of new magical organizations and spellcasting schools or petition higher powers using new faith-based options tied to the galaxy’s gods and philosophies. Whatever your path to magical might, Galactic Magic is your guide!

Starfinder: Galactic Magicへのコメント一覧

1. セス
2022/07/08 17:39
いいね! いいね!0