ヘルデェイルHeldalel 少女モンク騎士(パスファインダー2版用キャラクターシート)
ヘルデェイルHeldalel 少女モンク騎士の詳細
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ヘルデェイルHeldalel 少女モンク騎士
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PC紹介 惑星ゴラリオンGolarionの内海InnerSea地方東にある、 エルフ族地域キョーニンKyonin https://pathfinder.fandom.com/wiki/Kyonin のNPCsエルフ騎士系両親(血統アアーシマール、アーコンarchons系)の元で生まれたが、 謎の理由(謎の伏線www)により、キョーニンの港町、 グリーンゴールドGreengold https://pathfinder.fandom.com/wiki/Greengold の警護専門系NPCsモンク門派に里子に出された。 その後、NPCs騎士系両親一派が謎の全滅! それを知ったヘルデェイルHeldalel は、謎の騎士道=守るために闘う!決心をして、 謎のモンク守護者Sentinelとして、失われた予兆の時代を、謎の運命?に導かれながら=色々と寄り道しながらwww歩んで行くのであった! PCイメージ(の少女版www) https://chienote.com/sangarei-cast/#ltgt-3 PC準備日記 2022/02/16 [OGL][PF2e] myPC 少女モンク騎士?さん作成 準備#0 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_164497025595 2022/02/17 [OGL][PF2e] myPC 少女モンク騎士?さん作成 準備#1 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_164505405277 2022/02/18 [OGL][PF2e] myPC 少女モンク騎士?さん作成 準備#2 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_164515300421 2022/02/19 [OGL][PF2e] myPC 少女モンク騎士?さん作成 準備#3 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_164523611394 2022/02/22 [OGL][PF2e] myPC ヘルデェイルHeldalel 少女騎士?モンク1レベル 準備#4 https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_164546758540 PL:Seth Create Date:2020/02/14- モンクMonk1 Update:- XP:0xp PC名:ヘルデェイルHeldalel LNエルフアアーシマール少女守護騎士見習いモンク1 種族Ancestry:エルフElf https://2e.aonprd.com/Ancestries.aspx?ID=2 血統Heritage:アアーシマールAasimar (Versatile Heritage) https://2e.aonprd.com/Ancestries.aspx?ID=24 種族特技Ancestry Feat:法をもたらす者Lawbringer https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1352 年齢:100歳 Size:中型Medium 身長/体重:5’11=約180Cm、166lb.=約75kg(走召糸色木亥火暴) 特徴Traits:エルフElf,ヒューマノイドHumanoid,アアーシマールaasimar クラスClass:モンク https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx?ID=8 アーキタイプ(予定):守護者Sentinel https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=76 背景BackGround:カードGuard https://2e.aonprd.com/Backgrounds.aspx?ID=19 言語Languages:共通語Common,エルフ語Elven, 天使語Celestial(知力INT+1) https://2e.aonprd.com/Languages.aspx?ID=16 信仰:エンピアル ローズempyreal lords https://2e.aonprd.com/DeityCategories.aspx?ID=10 筋力 STR Strength 18 +4 = 10+2種族Free+2背景1+2クラス+2自由1 敏捷力 DEX Dexterity 12 +1 = 10+2種族1 耐久力 CON Constitution 10 +0 = 10-2種族Flaw+2自由2 知力 INT Intelligence 12 +1 = 10+2種族2 判断力 WIS Wisdom 14 +2 = 10+2背景Free+2自由3 魅力 CHA Charisma 12 +1 = 10+2自由4 視覚:Low-Light Vision,暗視Darkvison AC 鎧無しUnArmored:16 = 10+1Dex mod.+1level+4Expert HP:16 = +6種族+10モンク1+0耐久力修正値 Speed:移動力30ft. 移動力35ft. = +5Stoked Flame Stance◆Monk1 Bulk:0-9. 10-14Encumbered(-10ft(最小5ft.)+Clusmy1) Speed:30/35ft. 20/25ft.+Clusmy1 セイビングスローSaving Throws: 法をもたらす者Lawbringer https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1352 You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against emotion effects, and if you roll a success on a save against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead. 頑健Fort:+5 = +0CON mod.+1level+4Expert 反応Ref:+6 = +1DEx mod. +1level+4Expert 意志Will:+7 = +2Wis mod.+1level+4Expert 攻撃Attack: Monk DC:17 =10+4Str+1level+2Trained 煽炎の構え=炎の呼吸Stoked Flame Stance◆ Feat1 https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2981 vocation Fire MonkStance Source Secrets of Magic pg. 202p Requirements You’re unarmored. You enter a stance of fast, fiery movements. You can make flashing spark attacks that deal 1d8 slashing damage. They are in the brawling group and have the forceful, nonlethal, sweep, and unarmed traits. If you have access to the flashing sparks’ critical specialization effect, you can take an alternate effect instead: if your critical Strike dealt damage, the target takes 1d6 persistent fire damage. While in Stoked Flame Stance, you gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speed. If you have incredible movement, increase the benefit from incredible movement to a +15-foot status bonus plus 5 feet for every 4 levels beyond 3rd. Special This feat gains your choice of either the divine or occult trait, matching your ki spell tradition if possible. +7 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目 +3 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目と同じ対象へ 2撃目 +2 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目と違う対象へ 2撃目 +7 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目 +3 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目と同じ対象へ 2撃目 +2 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目と違う対象へ 2撃目 -2 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 2撃目と同じ対象へ 3撃目 -3 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 2撃目と違う対象へ 3撃目 -2 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 3撃目と同じ対象へ 4撃目 -3 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 3撃目と違う対象へ 4撃目 1d8S+4Str mod. Stoked Flame Stance◆ 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 1撃目 斬撃ダメージ 1d8S+4Str+1 mod. Stoked Flame Stance◆ 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 2撃目 斬撃ダメージ 1d8S+4Str+2 mod. Stoked Flame Stance◆ 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 3撃目 斬撃ダメージ 1d8S+4Str+2 mod. Stoked Flame Stance◆ 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 4撃目 斬撃ダメージ forceful Source Core Rulebook pg. 282 2.0 This weapon becomes more dangerous as you build momentum. When you attack with it more than once on your turn, the second attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice, and each subsequent attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to double the number of weapon damage dice. Sweep https://2e.aonprd.com/Traits.aspx?ID=194 Source Core Rulebook pg. 283 2.0 This weapon makes wide sweeping or spinning attacks, making it easier to attack multiple enemies. When you attack with this weapon, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll if you already attempted to attack a different target this turn using this weapon. #非スタンス時 +7 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Agile unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目 +3 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Agile unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 2撃目 +7 Strike◆素手powerful fist UnArmed Agile +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目 +3 Strike◆素手powerful fist UnArmed Agile +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 2撃目 -1 Strike◆素手powerful fist UnArmed Agile +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 3撃目 -1 Strike◆素手powerful fist UnArmed Agile +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 4撃目 1d6B+4Str mod. 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 殴打ダメージ 技能Skills: *種族から:無し **背景から: Trained Skill2個:威圧Intimidationと軍事知識Warfare Lore Skill Feat1個: 素早い威圧Quick Coercion https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=822 ***クラスから:Monk1=訓練済みTrained 5 =4+1INT mod.個 ***1軽業Acrobatics:+4=+1DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained+0Armor ***2運動Athletics:+7=+4STR mod.+1Level+2Trained+0Armor ***3交渉Diplomacy:+4=+1CHA mod.+1Level+2Trained **1威圧Intimidate:+4=+1CHA mod.+1Level+2Trained 素早い威圧Quick Coercion https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=822 **2軍事知識Warfare Lore:+4+1INTmod.+1Level+2Trained ***4社交Society:+4=+1INT mod.+1Level+2Trained ***5生存Survival:+5=+2WIS mod.+1Level+2Trained=+5 アルカナArcana:+2=+1INT mod.+1Level+0unTrained 製作Crafting:+2=+1INT mod.+1Level+0unTrained ペテンDeception:+2=+1CHA mod.+1Level+0unTrained 医術Medicine:+3=+2WIS mod.+1Level+0UnTrained 自然Nature:+3=+2WIS mod.+1Level+0unTrained オカルトOccultism:+2=+1INT mod.+1Level+0unTrained 芸能Performance:+2=+1CHA mod+1Level.+0unTrained 宗教Religion:+3=+2WIS mod.+1Level+0unTrained 隠密Stealth:+2=+1DEX mod.+1Level+0UnTrained+0Armor=+7 盗技Thievery:+2=+1DEX mod.+1Level+0UnTrained 装備 最終的にマスターさんへ初期資金額を最終確認してから、 「8 装備購入」 予定->Core Rule Book通りの15gp!でしたwww 所持現金Money:3cp 装備一式Equipments: Equipped 2Bulk 4L 冒険者服一式Explorer’s Clothx1/1spx1/Lx1- ロープRope X2/5spx2/Lx1 2 グラップルフックGrappling hook x1/1spx1/Lx1 1 サックSack(5) x1/1cpx1/Lx1 1 ((収容物2Bulkまでは装備可能、最大8Bulk) 1Bulk 1L 火打石一式Flint and Steel x1/5spx1/- - ハンマーHammer x1/1spx1/Lx1 1 プルズアイ ランタンLantern Bull’s Eye x1/1gpx1/1x1 1 油Oil x10/1cpx10/- 2 鏡Mirror x1/1gpx1/- 1 マグMug x1/1cpx1/- 1 石鹸Soap x2/2cpx2/-x1 1 水袋WaterSkin X2/5cpx2/Lx2 2(水一日分入れると1Bulk) 1Bulk 冒険者セット一式Adventurer’s Pack 7sp (一式で1Bulkですが、この計算では各アイテム散して計算してますので購入記録して記述) 内訳一式 バックパックBackPack x1/1spx1/- - 4Bulk 4L (内包物2Bulkまで荷重Bulkから除外、BackPackには最大4Bulkまで収容可能) 調理道具一式CookWare x1/1gpx1/2x1 2 釣竿一式Fishing Tackle x1/8spx1/1x1 2 ベッドロールBedRoll x1/1cpx1/Lx1- ワインWinter x1/4spx1/Lx1- 保存食Rations(1week) x1/4spx1/Lx1 1 修理キットRepair Kit x1/2gpx1/1x1 2 テント(一人用)Tent Pup x1/8spx1/Lx1 2 Bulk:4Bulk 8L = 4Bulk Bulk: 0-9. 10-14 Speed:30ft. 20ft.+Clusmy1 参加履歴 2022/02/22(火) Monk3 GM KangetsuさんのPathFinder 2e単発セッション、 【単発】鷹は舞い降りた https://trpgsession.click/sp/session-detail.php?s=164449971363kangetsu 参加予定->流卓(残念!) 2022/9/3(土) Monk1 GM Kangetsuさんの【初心者OK】「美しきものの血」 https://trpgsession.click/sp/session-detail.php?s=166099601648kangetsu ヒーローポイント1点。 2022/09/06 [OGL][PF2e][GM Kangetsuさん] 美しきものの血 遊了! https://trpgsession.click/sp/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_166239018001 獲得 40gp NPC犯人逮捕賞金<NPC牧場主のウィルハフ・ハージャック氏より 経験値? +1000xp 以上
・準備日記#2時点1 PC紹介 NPCsエルフ騎士系両親(血統アアーシマール、アーコンarchons系)の元で生まれたが、 謎の理由(謎の伏線www)により、警護専門系NPCsモンク門派に里子に 出された。 その後、NPCs騎士系両親一派が謎の全滅! それを知ったPCは、謎の騎士道=守るために闘う!決心をして、 謎のモンク守護者Sentinelの道を歩んで行くのであった! PC名:(鋭意考え中!w) LN?エルフアアーシマール少女守護騎士見習いモンク1 種族Ancestry:エルフElf https://2e.aonprd.com/Ancestries.aspx?ID=2 血統Heritage:アアーシマールAasimar (Versatile Heritage) https://2e.aonprd.com/Ancestries.aspx?ID=24 種族特技Ancestry Feat:法をもたらす者Lawbringer https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1352 クラスClass:モンク https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx?ID=8 アーキタイプ(予定):守護者Sentinel https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=76 背景BackGround:カードGuard https://2e.aonprd.com/Backgrounds.aspx?ID=19 Size:中型Medium 特徴Traits:エルフElf,ヒューマノイドHumanoid,アアーシマールaasimar 言語Languages:共通語Common,エルフ語Elven, 信仰:(鋭意考え中!w) 筋力 STR Strength 18 +4 = 10+2種族Free+2背景1+2クラス+2自由1 敏捷力 DEX Dexterity 12 +1 = 10+2種族1 耐久力 CON Constitution 10 +0 = 10-2種族Flaw+2自由2 知力 INT Intelligence 12 +1 = 10+2種族2 判断力 WIS Wisdom 14 +2 = 10+2背景Free+2自由3 魅力 CHA Charisma 12 +1 = 10+2自由4 視覚:Low-Light Vision,暗視Darkvison AC 鎧無しUnArmored:16 = 10+1Dex mod.+1level+4Expert HP:16 = +6種族+10モンク1+0耐久力修正値 Speed:移動力30ft. 移動力35ft. = +5Stoked Flame Stance◆Monk1 Bulk:0-9. 10-14Encumbered(-10ft(最小5ft.)+Clusmy1) Speed:30/35ft. 20/25ft.+Clusmy1 セイビングスローSaving Throws: 法をもたらす者Lawbringer https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1352 You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against emotion effects, and if you roll a success on a save against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead. 頑健Fort:+5 = +0CON mod.+1level+4Expert 反応Ref:+6 = +1DEx mod. +1level+4Expert 意志Will:+7 = +2Wis mod.+1level+4Expert 攻撃Attack: Monk DC:17 =10+4Str+1level+2Trained 煽炎の構え=炎の呼吸Stoked Flame Stance◆ Feat1 https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2981 vocation Fire MonkStance Source Secrets of Magic pg. 202p Requirements You’re unarmored. You enter a stance of fast, fiery movements. You can make flashing spark attacks that deal 1d8 slashing damage. They are in the brawling group and have the forceful, nonlethal, sweep, and unarmed traits. If you have access to the flashing sparks’ critical specialization effect, you can take an alternate effect instead: if your critical Strike dealt damage, the target takes 1d6 persistent fire damage. While in Stoked Flame Stance, you gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speed. If you have incredible movement, increase the benefit from incredible movement to a +15-foot status bonus plus 5 feet for every 4 levels beyond 3rd. Special This feat gains your choice of either the divine or occult trait, matching your ki spell tradition if possible. +7 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目 +3 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目と同じ対象へ 2撃目 +2 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目と違う対象へ 2撃目 +7 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目 +3 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目と同じ対象へ 2撃目 +2 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目と違う対象へ 2撃目 -2 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 2撃目と同じ対象へ 3撃目 -3 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 2撃目と違う対象へ 3撃目 -2 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 3撃目と同じ対象へ 4撃目 -3 Strike◆素手powerful fist Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 3撃目と違う対象へ 4撃目 1d8S+4Str mod. Stoked Flame Stance◆ 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 1撃目 斬撃ダメージ 1d8S+4Str+1 mod. Stoked Flame Stance◆ 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 2撃目 斬撃ダメージ 1d8S+4Str+2 mod. Stoked Flame Stance◆ 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 3撃目 斬撃ダメージ 1d8S+4Str+2 mod. Stoked Flame Stance◆ 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 4撃目 斬撃ダメージ forceful Source Core Rulebook pg. 282 2.0 This weapon becomes more dangerous as you build momentum. When you attack with it more than once on your turn, the second attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice, and each subsequent attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to double the number of weapon damage dice. Sweep https://2e.aonprd.com/Traits.aspx?ID=194 Source Core Rulebook pg. 283 2.0 This weapon makes wide sweeping or spinning attacks, making it easier to attack multiple enemies. When you attack with this weapon, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll if you already attempted to attack a different target this turn using this weapon. #非スタンス時 +7 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Agile unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目 +3 Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Agile unarmed +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 2撃目 +7 Strike◆素手powerful fist UnArmed Agile +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 1撃目 +3 Strike◆素手powerful fist UnArmed Agile +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 2撃目 -1 Strike◆素手powerful fist UnArmed Agile +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 3撃目 -1 Strike◆素手powerful fist UnArmed Agile +4Str mod.+1level+2Trained 4撃目 1d6B+4Str mod. 非致傷NonLethelダメージ扱い選択可能 殴打ダメージ 技能Skills: *種族から:無し **背景から: Trained Skill2個:威圧Intimidationと軍事知識Warfare Lore Skill Feat1個: 素早い威圧Quick Coercion https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=822 ***クラスから:Monk1=訓練済みTrained 5 =4+1INT mod.個 ***1軽業Acrobatics:+4=+1DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained+0Armor ***2運動Athletics:+7=+4STR mod.+1Level+2Trained+0Armor ***3交渉Diplomacy:+4=+1CHA mod.+1Level+2Trained **1威圧Intimidate:+4=+1CHA mod.+1Level+2Trained 素早い威圧Quick Coercion https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=822 **2軍事知識Warfare Lore:+4+1INTmod.+1Level+2Trained ***4社交Society:+4=+1INT mod.+1Level+2Trained ***5生存Survival:+5=+2WIS mod.+1Level+2Trained=+5 アルカナArcana:+2=+1INT mod.+1Level+0unTrained 製作Crafting:+2=+1INT mod.+1Level+0unTrained ペテンDeception:+2=+1CHA mod.+1Level+0unTrained 医術Medicine:+3=+2WIS mod.+1Level+0UnTrained 自然Nature:+3=+2WIS mod.+1Level+0unTrained オカルトOccultism:+2=+1INT mod.+1Level+0unTrained 芸能Performance:+2=+1CHA mod+1Level.+0unTrained 宗教Religion:+3=+2WIS mod.+1Level+0unTrained 隠密Stealth:+2=+1DEX mod.+1Level+0UnTrained+0Armor=+7 盗技Thievery:+2=+1DEX mod.+1Level+0UnTrained 装備 最終的にマスターさんへ初期資金額を最終確認してから、 「8 装備購入」 予定。 2022/02/18(金)午前時点 (準備日記の記録として残してあります) PC Data Core Rule Bookの標準PC作成手順 ===== PC名:(鋭意考え中!w) LN?エルフアアーシマール少女守護騎士見習いモンク1 種族Ancestry:エルフElf https://2e.aonprd.com/Ancestries.aspx?ID=2 血統Heritage:アアーシマールAasimar (Versatile Heritage) https://2e.aonprd.com/Ancestries.aspx?ID=24 種族特技Ancestry Feat:法をもたらす者Lawbringer https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1352 クラスClass:モンク https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx?ID=8 アーキタイプ(予定):守護者Sentinel https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=76 背景BackGround:カードGuard https://2e.aonprd.com/Backgrounds.aspx?ID=19 Size:中型Medium 特徴Traits:エルフElf,ヒューマノイドHumanoid,アアーシマールaasimar 言語Languages:共通語Common,エルフ語Elven, 信仰:(鋭意考え中!w) 筋力 STR Strength 18 +4 = 10+2種族Free+2背景1+2クラス+2自由1 敏捷力 DEX Dexterity 12 +1 = 10+2種族1 耐久力 CON Constitution 10 +0 = 10-2種族Flaw+2自由2 知力 INT Intelligence 12 +1 = 10+2種族2 判断力 WIS Wisdom 14 +2 = 10+2背景Free+2自由3 魅力 CHA Charisma 12 +1 = 10+2自由4 視覚:Low-Light Vision,暗視Darkvison AC 鎧無しUnArmored:Expert HP:種族、モンク1レベル Speed:移動力30ft.(種族) セイビングスローSaving Throws: 法をもたらす者Lawbringer https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1352 You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against emotion effects, and if you roll a success on a save against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead. 頑健Fort:Expert 反応Ref:Expert 意志Will:Expert 攻撃Attack: Monk DC:筋力Str、Trained 煽炎の構え=炎の呼吸Stoked Flame Stance◆ Feat1 https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2981 vocation Fire MonkStance Source Secrets of Magic pg. 202p Requirements You’re unarmored. You enter a stance of fast, fiery movements. You can make flashing spark attacks that deal 1d8 slashing damage. They are in the brawling group and have the forceful, nonlethal, sweep, and unarmed traits. If you have access to the flashing sparks’ critical specialization effect, you can take an alternate effect instead: if your critical Strike dealt damage, the target takes 1d6 persistent fire damage. While in Stoked Flame Stance, you gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speed. If you have incredible movement, increase the benefit from incredible movement to a +15-foot status bonus plus 5 feet for every 4 levels beyond 3rd. Special This feat gains your choice of either the divine or occult trait, matching your ki spell tradition if possible. 素手powerful fist Trained Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Stoked Flame Stance◆ forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed forceful Source Core Rulebook pg. 282 2.0 This weapon becomes more dangerous as you build momentum. When you attack with it more than once on your turn, the second attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice, and each subsequent attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to double the number of weapon damage dice. Sweep https://2e.aonprd.com/Traits.aspx?ID=194 Source Core Rulebook pg. 283 2.0 This weapon makes wide sweeping or spinning attacks, making it easier to attack multiple enemies. When you attack with this weapon, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll if you already attempted to attack a different target this turn using this weapon. 技能Skills: *種族から:無し **背景から: Trained Skill2個:威圧Intimidationと軍事知識Warfare Lore Skill Feat1個: 素早い威圧Quick Coercion https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=822 ***クラスから:Monk1=訓練済みTrained 5 =4+1INT mod.個 ***1軽業Acrobatics:Trained ***2運動Athletics:Trained ***3交渉Diplomacy:Trained **1威圧Intimidate:Trained 素早い威圧Quick Coercion https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=822 **2軍事知識Warfare Lore:Trained ***4社交Society:Trained ***5生存Survival:Trained アルカナArcana:unTrained 製作Crafting:unTrained ペテンDeception:unTrained 医術Medicine:unTrained 自然Nature:unTrained オカルトOccultism:unTrained 芸能Performance:unTrained 宗教Religion:unTrained 隠密Stealth:unTrained 盗技Thievery:UnTrained 装備 最終的にマスターさんへ初期資金額を最終確認してから、 「8 装備購入」 予定。
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ID: 164497703633Seth7
本作は、「Jason Bulmahn、Logan Bonner、Stephen Radney-Macfarland、Mark Seifter、Paizo Publishing, LLC」が権利を有する「Pathfinder Second Edition」の二次創作物です。