Pomin Jaagglapplee(パスファインダー2版用キャラクターシート)
Pomin Jaagglappleeの詳細
キャラクター情報 NPCでの使用可(連絡自由) | ||
TRPGの種別: | パスファインダー2版 |
キャラクター名: | Pomin Jaagglapplee | |
♥: | 30 / 30 | |
♥: | / | |
外部URL: | ||
メモ: | PathFinder 2e海系セッション用PC |
詳細A: |
PC紹介と設定 海っ子Fey-Touchedノーム娘14歳 狼牙流Monk1 「あのねぇー・・・海賊じゃないわよ! 海っ子ノームちゃんですわよぉ!」 PCイメージ わぴこちゃんのちょっとオマセ版!(走召糸色木亥火暴) Pomin Jaagglapplee Fey-Touched Gnome Wolf Stance Monk1 Data https://seth.hatenadiary.jp/entry/2020/12/12/205157 PC Build************************ PathFInder 2e Core Rule Book only:Normal PC Create Method Player Name:Seth Create Date:2020/05/05 Monk1 Latest UpDate:2020/12/28 Monk2 Character Name:Pomin Jaagglapplee Race&Gender:Fey-Touched Gnome Famale Age:14 Height: 127 cm, Weight: 36 kg Alignment:Chaotic Good Language:Common,Gnome,Fey Errata 1.0 1p Deity:女神Calistria様 https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?ID=3 Class:Monk2 EX:1000xp Next:2000xp Base Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancestry:Fey-Touched Gnome 42p Race HP:8 Size:Small CON and CHA and one Free Ability Boosts STR Ability Flaw Languages:Common,Gnomish,Sylvan +1INT Elven Speed:25ft. trait,Gnome,Humanoid,Fey trait One Primal Cantrip spell(314p) change per day. LowLigtVision Gnome feat1:Gnome Obsession 44p Sailing Lore Skill Trained Background:Sailor 63p STR or DEX and a free Ability Boost Trained Athletics Skill and Sailing Lore Skill UnderWater Marauder skill feat1 268p Monk1 features:155p https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx?ID=8 KeyAbility:STR (or DEX) Class HP:10 Perception:Trained Fort Expert Ref Expert Will Expert Skills:4+int mod Trained Simple weapons and UnArmed attacks Expert UnArmored defense Class DC:STR mod+2Trained Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Monk Feats: Monk Feat1 Wolf Stance◆ 159p https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=437 Wolf Jaw attack small 1d6P+STR mod. Brawling UnArmed Agile Finese Backstabber Nonlethal If you’re flanking a target while in Wolf Stance, your wolf jaw unarmed attacks also gain the trip trait. Powerful Fist 158p UnArmed Damage small 1d4B lethal Monk2: Monk Class Feat2 Pirate https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=70 Pirate Dedication Feat2 Advanced Player’s Guide pg. 185 https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2032 As a pirate, you sail the seas in search of enemy ships to plunder. You become trained in Sailing Lore, or become an expert in it if you were already trained. You ignore the effects of difficult terrain or uneven ground caused by a ship’s movement. Additionally, you gain the Boarding Assault action. Boarding Assaul◆◆; Activate (Flourish) Effect Either Stride twice or attempt an Acrobatics check (DC determined by the GM, but usually DC 20) to swing on a rope up to twice your Speed. If you boarded or disembarked from a boat or similar vehicle during this movement, you can make a melee Strike that deals one additional weapon damage die. Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the pirate archetype. Skill Feat2 Titan Wrestler ore Rulebook pg. 268 2.0 https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=854 PC Playing Data Monk2 ------------------------------------------------------ Ability Scores: STR 10-2Ansesty Flaw+2Backgroud STR+2Class+2Free1 =14 +2 DEX 10+2Ansesty Free+2Free2 = 14 +2 CON 10+2Ansesty CON = 12 +! INT 10+2Free3 = 12 +1 WIS 10+2Backgroud Free+2Free4 =14 +2 CHA 10+2Ansesty CHA = 12 +1 Perception:+6 = +2WIS+2level+2Trained Speed:25ft. UnderWater Marauder skill feat1 268p Bulk: 0-7. 8-12 Speed:25ft. 15ft.+Clusmy1 HP:30= 8Gnome+(10+1CON mod.)xMonk2 AC UnArmored:18 = 10+2Dex mod.+2level+4Expert Saving Throws: Fort: +7 = +1CON mod.+2level+4Expert Ref: +8 = +2DEx mod. +2level+4Expert Will: +8 = +2Wis mod.+2level+4Expert Monk DC:16 = 10+2STR+2level+2Trained Attack: UnArmed Powerful Fist158p Agile +6 = +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded 1d4B+2Str mod. Monk Feat1 Wolf Stance◆ 159p https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=437 Wolf Jaw attack small 1d6P+STR mod. Brawling UnArmed Agile Finese Backstabber Nonlethal If you’re flanking a target while in Wolf Stance, your wolf jaw unarmed attacks also gain the trip trait. Wolf Jaw attack +6 = +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded if flanking feo trip choice 1d6+2 1d6B+2Str mod.+1Backstabber Precision Brawling UnArmed Agile Finese Backstabber Nonlethal 1d6+2+1 foe is Fat-Footed 1d6B+2Str mod.+1Backstabber Precision Brawling UnArmed Agile Finese Backstabber Nonlethal Backstabber Weapon Trait Source Core Rulebook pg. 282 2.0 When you hit a flat-footed creature, this weapon deals 1 precision damage in addition to its normal damage. The precision damage increases to 2 if the weapon is a +3 weapon. Titan Wrestler Skill Feat2 Core Rulebook pg. 268 2.0 https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=854 Prerequisites trained in Athletics You can attempt to Disarm, Grapple, Shove, or Trip creatures up to two sizes larger than you, or up to three sizes larger than you if you’re legendary in Athletics. Trip◆ Attack Source Core Rulebook pg. 243 2.0 Requirements You have at least one hand free. Your target can’t be more than one size larger than you. You try to knock a creature to the ground. Attempt an Athletics check against the target’s Reflex DC. Critical Success The target falls and lands prone and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Success The target falls and lands prone. Critical Failure You lose your balance and fall and land prone. Prone Condition Source Core Rulebook pg. 621 2.0 You’re lying on the ground. You are flat-footed and take a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. The only move actions you can use while you’re prone are Crawl and Stand. Standing up ends the prone condition. You can Take Cover while prone to hunker down and gain greater cover against ranged attacks, even if you don’t have an object to get behind, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks (but you remain flat-footed). If you would be knocked prone while you’re Climbing or Flying, you fall (see Falling for the rules on falling). You can’t be knocked prone when Swimming. Flanking Condition Source Core Rulebook pg. 476 2.0 When you and an ally are flanking a foe, it has a harder time defending against you. A creature is flat-footed (taking a –2 circumstance penalty to AC) to creatures that are flanking it. To flank a foe, you and your ally must be on opposite sides of the creature. A line drawn between the center of your space and the center of your ally’s space must pass through opposite sides or opposite corners of the foe’s space. Additionally, both you and the ally have to be able to act, you must be wielding melee weapons or be able to make an unarmed attack, you can’t be under any effects that prevent you from attacking, and you must both have the enemy within reach. If you are wielding a reach weapon, you use your reach with that weapon for this purpose. Flat-Footed Condition Source Core Rulebook pg. 620 2.0 You’re distracted or otherwise unable to focus your full attention on defense. You take a –2 circumstance penalty to AC. Some effects give you the flat-footed condition only to certain creatures or against certain attacks. Others—especially conditions—can make you universally flat-footed against everything. If a rule doesn’t specify that the condition applies only to certain circumstances, it applies to all of them; for example, many effects simply say “The target is flat-footed.” ※Flurry of Blows◆ 158p https://trpgsession.click/session-detail.php?s=158532120130kangetsu 2020/04/30 07:02 2020/04/30 01:24 2020/04/30 13:46 と、 https://trpgsession.click/session-detail.php?s=158773186788Ququ 2020/04/30 13:27 の以上のGM裁定反映時 補足 No Agileも考慮(-4agileを-5) Wolf Jaw attack small Agile=Flurry of Blows◆ 158p +6/+6-4 = +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded 1d6+2 1d6B+2Str mod.+1Backstabber Precision Brawling UnArmed Agile Finese Backstabber Nonlethal 1d6+2+1 foe is Fat-Footed 1d6B+2Str mod.+1Backstabber Precision Brawling UnArmed Agile Finese Backstabber Nonlethal Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Agile +6/+6-4 = +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded 1d4B+2STR mod. Brawling UnArmed Agile Nonlethal ※Flurry of Blows◆ 158p https://sites.google.com/view/private-golarion/private-golarion-home/classes/monk#h.p_W_qN7-b80dPg のOGL準拠「Privite Golarion」反映時 Wolf Jaw attack small Agile=Flurry of Blows◆ 158p +6/+6 = +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded 1d6+2 1d6B+2Str mod.+1Backstabber Precision Brawling UnArmed Agile Finese Backstabber Nonlethal 1d6+2+1 foe is Fat-Footed 1d6B+2Str mod.+1Backstabber Precision Brawling UnArmed Agile Finese Backstabber Nonlethal Flurry of Blows◆ 158p Agile +6/+6 = +2STR mod.+2level+2Trainded 1d4B+2STR mod. Brawling UnArmed Agile Nonlethal Ranged Dagger +6 = +2Dex mod+2level+2Trained 1d3P+2STR mod. 10ft. Agile Fineness VerS Skills:4+1INT mod,= 5+2Trained BackGroud+1Gnome feat1 = 8 Acrobatics:+6 = +2DEX mod.+2Level+2Trained1+0Armor Athletics:+6 = +2STR mod.+2Level+2Trained2+0Armor Intimidate:+5 = +1CHA mod.+2Level+2Trained3 Sailing Lore:+7 = +1INT mod.+2Level+4Expert Gnome Obsession 44p Gnome feat1:Gnome Obsession 44p Sailing Lore Skill Trained Pirate Dedication Feat2 Advanced Player’s Guide pg. 185 Society:+5 = +1INT mod.+2Level+2Trained4 Stealth:+6 = +2DEX mod.+2Level+2Trained5+0Armor Survival :+6 = +2WIS mod.+2Level+2Trained Background1 233p Thievery:+6 = +2DEX mod.+2Level+2Trained Background2 233p Arcana:+3 = +1INT mod.+2Level+0unTrained Crafting:+3 = +1INT mod.+2Level+0unTrained Diplomacy:+3 = +1CHA mod.+2Level+0UnTrained Deception:+3 = +1CHA mod.+2Level+0unTrained Medicine:+3 = +1WIS mod.+2Level+0UnTrained Nature:+3 = +1WIS mod.+2Level+0unTrained Occultism:+3 = +1INT mod.+2Level+0unTrained Performance:+3 = 10CHA mod+2Level.+0unTrained Religion:+3 = +1WIS mod.+2Level+0unTrained -------------------------------------------------------------- Money:1gp 6sp 1cp (start 15+5=20gp) Equipments: Explorer’s x1/1spx1/Lx1- Compass x1 /1gpx1/- 1 290p BandOiler X1/1spx1/- - 287p uo to 8L Dagger x5 2spx5 1d4P L 1 Knife Agile,finess,thrown 10ft.,versatile S Lesser Alchemist’s Fire x2 292p Belt Pouch 287p 4cp - - Up tp 4L items. *Rope X2/5spx2/Lx1 2 肩から斜め掛け持ち Grappling hook x1/1spx1/Lx1 1 *WaterSkin x2/5cpx2/Lx2 2 WaterSkin x1/5cpx2/Lx2 2 —*Adventure Pack——7sp BackPack x1/1spx1/- - Errata 1.0 3p The first 2 Bulk of items in your backpack don’t count against your Bulk limits. Below items in BackPack *BedRoll x1/1cpx1/Lx1- Clothing Winter x1/4spx1/Lx1- *Flint and Steel x1/5spx1/- - *Hammer x1/1spx1/Lx1 1 Mirror x1/1gpx1/- 1 Mug x1/1cpx1/- 1 *Rations(1week) x1/4spx1/Lx1 1 *Sack(5) x1/1cpx1/Lx1 1 Soap x2/2cpx2/-x1 1 Tent Pup x1/8spx1/Lx1 2 Bulk:1L+5L+4L+2L = 12L = 1.2Bulk Bulk: 0-7. 8-12 Speed:25ft. 15ft.+Clusmy1(Small) |
詳細B: |
◻︎セッション参加記録 第1回2020/5/8(金) Monk1 GM kangetsuさんセッション https://trpgsession.click/session-detail.php?s=158855647665kangetsu 日記 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_158895410857 懺悔は↓の58。 https://trpgsession.click/topic-detail.php?i=topic151635037640 第2回2020/06/12(金) Monk1 GM kangetsuさんセッション https://trpgsession.click/session-detail.php?s=159091701482kangetsu 日記。 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_159197897836 第3回2020/12/12(土) Monk1 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_160778869223 第4回2020/12/28(月) Monk2 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_160917484033 以上 |
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キャラクターID: 158866455558Seth7
本作は、「Jason Bulmahn、Logan Bonner、Stephen Radney-Macfarland、Mark Seifter、Paizo Publishing, LLC」が権利を有する「Pathfinder Second Edition」の二次創作物です。