Core Rulebook (Pathfinder RPG)


Core Rulebook (Pathfinder RPG) システム:


明るい ☆☆★☆☆ ダーク
書籍種類: 基本ルルブ リアル ☆☆☆★☆ ファンタジー
発行年月: 2009-08 直感的 ☆☆☆★☆ 頭脳的
所持する人: 24人 短時間 ☆☆★☆☆ 長時間
コメント数: 2件 初心者向け ☆☆☆★☆ 玄人向け
著者/編集:Jason Bulmahn
出版社:Paizo Publishing

This complete, standalone, fantasy roleplaying game takes your fantasy campaigns to new heights of adventure! Backward-compatible with "3.5 "fantasy rules but offering new solutions and options that place it firmly on the cutting edge, the "Pathfinder RPG" is the culmination of the largest open public playtest in RPG history. The "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook" includes: revised rules for the classic seven fantasy RPG races; updated options for the 11 core classes; a streamlined skill system that makes things easier for players and GMs; a host of new and familiar feats, including innovative combat feats and item creation rules; new equipment; additional combat options; overhauled rules for domains, familiars, bonded items, specialty schools, and more; dozens of new and revised spells; updated rules for NPCs, including quick-generation rules; new rules for curses, diseases, and poisons; a completely overhauled experience system with options for slow, medium, and fast advancement; hundreds and hundreds of magic items... and much, much more!

Core Rulebook (Pathfinder RPG)へのコメント一覧

2. セス
2020/10/04 05:12
 Pathfinder 1eの基本ルールブックです。

いいね! いいね!0
1. tk1228
2017/11/13 00:31
いいね! いいね!0