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TRPGの種別: | パスファインダー2版 |
キャラクター名: | リュルケrulke | |
♥: | 22 / 22 | |
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作成日2024年11月28日 更新日2024年12月05日 ***********pc紹介*********** /世界観に合わせて要修正 /コンセプト - リザードフォークの駆け出しファイター。 オス。40歳。身長195cm。黄緑にマダラ模様。瞳の色はグリーン。首が長め。妻子持ち。好物はエビ。 海岸沿いの小さな漁村出身(女家長制)。不漁が続き出稼ぎ中。アドベンチャラーになりたてなので、まだまだヘマも多い。 元漁師で素潜り漁が得意だが、タコに悪い思い出がありそれ以来軟体系が苦手。 敬虔なGozreh信者(海と風信仰)で、毎日Gozrehへの供物を欠かさない(海か川に流す) 部族の伝統である占星術も大切にしており、毎晩家族とパーティの行末を占っている。 リザードフォークの多分に漏れず、あまり表情はなく口数も少ないが、性格は温厚で仲間を大切にする。子供好き。 /長所 泳ぎが得意。 /短所 寒さが苦手。 軟体系モンスターが苦手。 /Edict Gozrehの教義。 子は群れの宝! /Anathema Gozrehへの冒涜的行為。 群れや仲間への裏切り行為。 星の導きに従わないこと。 *****キャラクターデータ****** Player Name:Teika PC Name:リュルケ サイズ:中型Medium 種族:リザードフォーク 血統:Wetlander Lizardfolk 背景:Deep-Sea Diver クラス:ファイター 信仰:Gozreh (The Wind and the Waves) 性別:オス 年齢:40 言語:Common,Iruxi AL:LG ***********能力値*********** STR +3 /+1Ancestry +1Background +1Class(key) DEX +1 /+1Class CON +3 /+1Ancestry +1Background +1Class INT -1 /-1Ancestry WIS +2 /+1Ancestry +1Class CHR +1 /+1Class Perception +7 /+2WISmod.+1lv.+4Expert 移動力:25 ft. 0-7bulk 25ft. 8-16bulk 15ft. 水中移動力 15ft. HP 22 /+8リザードフォーク+4耐久力修正値+10ファイター AC Saving Throws Fortitude Proficiency Expert +8 /+1lv +3耐久力mod. +4Expert Reflex Proficiency Expert +6 /+1lv +1敏捷力mod. +4Expert Will Proficiency Trained +5 /+1lv +2判断力mod. +2Trained Skill Proficiency Athletics Trained +6 /(Background) +1lvl+3筋力mod.+2Trained Acrobatics Trained +4 /(Class) +1lvl+1敏捷力mod.+2Trained Plane of Water Lore Trained +2 /(Background) +1lvl-1知力mod.+2Trained Intimidation Trained +4 /(Class)+1lvl+1魅力mod.+2Trained //Deception Trained +4 /(Class)+1lvl+1魅力mod.+2Trained Survival Trained +5 /(Class) +1lvl+2判断力mod.+2Trained feats Breath Control /(Ancestry) Consult the Stars /(Ancestry) Lightning Tongue Underwater Marauder /(Background) Reactive Strike /(Class) Shield Block /(Class) Sudden Charge /(Class) #1 (3D6) > 15[4,5,6] > 15 #2 (3D6) > 14[3,6,5] > 14 #3 (3D6) > 15[4,5,6] > 15 #4 (3D6) > 11[5,3,3] > 11 #5 (3D6) > 11[1,6,4] > 11 #6 (3D6) > 14[2,6,6] > 14 ****Ancestry:Lizardfolk**** Hit Points 8 Size Medium Speed 25 feet Attribute Boosts Strength,Wisdom,Free Attribute Flaw Intelligence Languages Common,Iruxi Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from Amurrun, Boggard, Draconic, Elven, Fey, Jotun, Thalassic, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region). Your reptilian biology allows you to hold your breath for a long time. You gain the Breath Control general feat as a bonus feat. (Aquatic Adaptation) Your sharp claws offer an alternative to the fists other humanoids bring to a fight. You have a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing damage, is in the brawling group, and has the agile and finesse traits.(Claws) ****heritage:Wetlander Lizardfolk**** Your family is descended from the most common lizardfolk heritage, and you are accustomed to aquatic environments. You gain a 15-foot swim Speed. ****Background:Deep-Sea Diver**** The sapphire depths of the seas and the mysteries they hold beneath their surface have always piqued your interest. Your obsession with the ocean depths cannot be contained to one world alone, and you’ve read tomes and journals about the source of all water, everywhere, hoping to one day understand the watery secrets of the great unknown. Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Strength or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost. You’re trained in the Athletics skill, and the Plane of Water Lore skill. You gain the Underwater Marauder skill feat. /Astrologer,Deckhand,Hunter,Scout,Toymaker,Deep-Sea Diver ****Class:Fighter**** Ability Strength(or Dexterity) HP 10 Tradition Attack Proficiency Expert in simple weapons Expert in martial weapons Trained in advanced weapons Expert in unarmed attacks Defense Proficiency Trained in all armor Trained in unarmored defense Saving Throws Fortitude Proficiency Expert Reflex Proficiency Expert Will Proficiency Trained Perception Proficiency Expert Skill Proficiency Acrobatics Trained Intimidation Trained Deception Trained Survival Trained /gozreh (Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier) Class DC Trained in fighter class DC Attribute Boosts +4 Reactive Strike Shield Block (fighter feat) |
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キャラクターID: 173276177393idontcare496
本作は、「Jason Bulmahn、Logan Bonner、Stephen Radney-Macfarland、Mark Seifter、Paizo Publishing, LLC」が権利を有する「Pathfinder Second Edition」の二次創作物です。