Starfinder: Core Rulebook
システム: | 明るい | ☆☆★☆☆ | ダーク | ||
書籍種類: | 基本ルルブ | リアル | ☆☆☆☆★ | ファンタジー | |
発行年月: | 2020-08 | 直感的 | ☆☆☆★☆ | 頭脳的 | |
所持する人: | 2人 | 短時間 | ☆☆☆★☆ | 長時間 | |
コメント数: | 1件 | 初心者向け | ☆☆☆☆★ | 玄人向け |
著者/編集: | Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, John Compton |
出版社: | Paizo Pub Llc |
Blast off into a galaxy of adventure with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! Step into your powered armor and grab your magic-infused laser rifle as you investigate the mysteries of a weird universe with your bold starship crew. Will you delve for lost artifacts in the ruins of alien temples? Strap on rune-enhanced armor and a laser rifle to battle undead empires in fleets of bone ships, or defend colonists from a swarm of ravenous monsters? Maybe you'll hack into the mainframe of a god-run corporation, or search the stars for clues to the secret history of the universe or brand new planets to explore. Whether you're making first contact with new cultures on uncharted worlds or fighting to survive in the neon-lit back alleys of Absalom Station, you and your team will need all your wits, combat skill, and magic to make it through. But most of all, you'll need each other.
This massive 528-page softcover rulebook is the essential centerpiece of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, with rules for character creation, magic, gear, and more—everything you need to play Starfinder as either a player or Game Master! The next great adventure in science-fantasy roleplaying takes off here, and the Starfinder Core Rulebook is your ticket to a lifetime of adventure amid the stars!
Inside this book, you'll find:
•All of the rules you need to play or run a game of Starfinder.
•Seven character classes, from the elite soldier and stealthy operative to the physics-hacking technomancer and mind-bending mystic.
•Character races both new and classic, from androids, insectile shirrens, ratlike ysoki, and reptilian vesk to the dwarves and elves of the distant future.
•An in-depth exploration of the Starfinder setting, including its planets, gods, factions, and threats.
•Hundreds of weapons, spells, technological gadgets, magic items, and other options to outfit any character.
•Complete rules for starships, including customization and starship combat.
Starfinder: Core Rulebookを所持する人の一覧
♂ 九鬼@葬送隊長 23日前 2016年06月19日 20:00~24:00 | |
2 200 可 可 オンライン・オフラインでそこそこ遊んできました。新たな出会いで、新たな物語を一緒に楽しみたいです。よろしくお願いします。最近の活動▼オンラインD&D『ミスタラ戦記:タワー・オブ・ドゥーム』CoC『ニャルラトホテプの仮面』完結D&D5版『3版冒険シリーズ:改編』キャンペーン中神我狩『フレンズソング』温泉コミュでの体験会完結ログホライズン『赤い手は滅びのしるし:改』完結ガンドッグ・リヴァイズド『ブラックキャッツ運送』ログホライズン『ひと狩部。野良メンバーでボス狩り』▼オフライン出来てませんねぇ |
セス 7時間前 2018年01月08日 土日祝14〜23時位 | |
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