セスさんの日記 「[PathFinder 2e][PC作成] Alchemist1 PC 10 前半」


2019/12/28 01:01[web全体で公開]
😆 [PathFinder 2e][PC作成] Alchemist1 PC 10 前半

 さて今日も今日とて、2019年8月に無事発売されたPathFinder 2e Core Rule Book、
からのPC作成 Alchemist1 PCも今回で10回目、前回の『9 修正値など算出』、
の続きで、Alchemist1 PC作成の『10 アライメントなど各種詳細決定』です。

 錬金術師Alchemist Items分と装備一式、やはり、5000文字制限になりましたので、

 前半の錬金術師Alchemist Itemsと装備一式以外のPCキャラクターシートとなります。

 Alchemist1 PCで以下の修正が入ってます。

Page 73: In the Chirurgeon section, change “lesser elixir of life” to “minor elixir of life.” 
The lesser elixir of life is a 3rd-level item that a 1st-level character can’t create.

Page 73: In the Mutagenist section, remove the second paragraph, which provides an obsolete benefit. 
Replace it with the following free action.
Frequency once per day
You experience a brief resurgence of a mutagen. Choose one mutagen you’ve consumed since your last daily preparations. 
You gain the effects of that mutagen for 1 minute.

Player Name:Seth PC Name: Gwendoline  PCイメージ https://medibang.com/picture/be1912151849211960007757594/  イメージ曲
PC Race:SmokeWorker HobGoblin PathFinder 2e Lost Omens Character Guide、48p https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_157447722996 PC Class:Alchemist1 Experience(XP):0 Ancestry,Heritage,BackGround: https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_157667682516 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_157685534812 https://trpgsession.click/comment-detail.php?c=Seth7&i=Seth7_157693316933 Traits:Goblin,Humanoid PC Size:Medium Bonus Languages:Common,Goblin,Dragonic,Dwarven,Gnomish,UnderCommon(+4 INT mod.) Deity:4ゴブリン英雄神達、 https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Goblin_hero-gods 筋力 STR Strength 15 +2 敏捷力 DEX Dexterity 13+1 耐久力 CON Constitution 14+2 知力 INT Intelligence 18 +4 判断力 WIS Wisdom 13 +1 魅力 CHA Charisma 12 +1 Alchemist Mutagenist Class Features: Perception:+1WIS mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 DarkVison Bulk: 0-7. 7-12 Speed:25ft. 15ft.+CLumsy1 Hit Points:19 Defenses:Trained Light Armor,UnArmed Defense Light Armor +1DEXmod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 UnArmed:+1Dex mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 Fire Resistance 1 = 1Level/2 Min1 DC5 Flat check Success Concealed in smoke. Padded Armor 2sp +1 +3 - - 10 L Comfort AC:10+1+4=15 Hero Points:1 Saving Throws:Expert Fortitude and Reflex,Trained Will Fortitude: +2CON mod.+1Level+4Expert=+7 Reflex:+1DEX mod.+1Level+2Expert=+4 Will:+1WIS mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 Attacks:Trained Simple Weapons,UnArmed Attacks and Alchemy Bomb Melee:+2STR mod.+1Level+2Trained=+5 Ranged:+1DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 LongSpear 5sp 1d8P 2 2 Spear Reach:+5 Sling 0 1d6B 50ft. 1 L 1 Sling Propulsive Sling bullets 10 1cp - L:+4 Alchemist Class DC:10+2INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=17 Alchemist Class Feats: 1st Alchemical Crafting Feat 258p +4 Alchemical Common Item1Level Formula Mutagenist +2 Mutagen Item1Level Formula MUTAGENIC FLASHBACK [free-action] Errata1.0 Alchemist Class Feats: Alchemical Savant Identify Feat1 Alchemyを◆Actionできる Goblin Ancestry Feat:Alchemical Scholar Feat1 LOCG50p +4 Alchemical Common Item1Level Formula Spells:- Skills:Trained 10個, Skill Feat: *Trick Magic Item skill feat PathFinder 2e Core Rule Book 268p Acrobatics:+1DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 *Arcana:+2INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+5 Athletics:+2STR mod.+1Level+2Trained=+5 Craft:+4INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+7 Lore Engineering:+4INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+7 Lore GunSmithing:+4INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+7 Lore Wilderness:+4INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+7 Society:+4INT mod.+1Level+2Trained=+7 Stealth:+1DEX mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 Survival:+1WIS mod.+1Level+2Trained=+4 Diplomacy:+1CHA mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+2 Medicine:+1WIS mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+2 * Nature:+1WIS mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+2 Deception:+1CHA mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+2 Intimidate:+1CHA mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+2 * Occultism:+4INT mod.+1Level+0unTrained=+5 Performance:+1CHA mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+2 *Religion:4INT mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+5 Thievery:+1DEX mod.+1Level+0UnTrained=+2 でわ、次回の『Alchemist1 PC 10 後半』に続きます。
いいね! いいね!4



